After losing in GOG mode multiple times, I decided to give the ultimate challenge a quick run through since I had the camcorder set up. The play through is a little on the reckless side as I was still frustrated from the prior gog run, but it turned out to be more entertaining probably as I use more weapons and techniques and take more damage than I usually do. A couple of the obvious mistakes I remember being distracted (this is from mid December)
The camcorder is junk but the good news is its in 60fps so the video is nice and smooth.. the file size is large though. None of the programs I have did a good job shrinking the file. My avatar print is just there to focus the camera since it was the only thing lying around I had large text on. The sound is low so may need to up it.
Download this and watch it on vlc is your best bet. (right click save link as) came out to 13,507,790 if I would have used the boss trick and the extra bombs it would put me over 13,7
I do push rule 7 a little though, but not really for points, a few bosses I am fishing for power ups on.