Author Topic: Problem with my TG16 CD  (Read 961 times)


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2006, 09:30:56 PM »
A couple of things:

First, you have your multi-meter hooked up incorrectly, but it doesn't really matter. It shows that you have something, and its probably good enough.

Second, no, the CDROM units to not use rubber bands. VCRs and turntables use rubber bands, but usually not CD players. The CD unit uses a direct drive variable speed motor for the spindle, and a rack and pinion set-up for the laser transport. Gear lash does become and issue on these CDROMS but that usually results in a long period of it being really easy to skip, followed by skipping for no reason during audio CD segments. These problems will go on for years and years before they result in a total failure.

As for the position your laser is in, Nijhazer, its good. When the laser parts itself in an unretrievable position, its over the other side (away from the spindle). A CDROM2 unit will leave the laser wherever it is when you turn the machine off. When you turn it on again it resets to the inside to begin reading the disk. When the laser gets stuck in the usual way, its only stuck because it ran past the rack. Moving it pretty much requires opening the machine because the gears need to be spun by hand, and accessing that from outside is tough. If this ever happens to you, you should know that you only need to move the laser far enough to get it back on track. 1/4 if the way in is plenty. It can take it from there.

Do not smack, or drop your CDROM2.

Neither of you have a fuse problem.

I'd wager the problem both of you are having is that the laser cannot see the CD when placed in the drive. The initial twitch from the CD you are seeing is the CDROM checking to see if a disk is present. If you could see inside the thing at this time you should be able to see the laser attempt to focus (the lens will move towards, and away from the CD itself just like a camera lens) When it sees the disk, it will begin to spin at full speed, but obviusly you aren't getting to that point.

The lens is either dirty, or junked (scratched, won't focus well, or something else you can't possibly fix). Try cleaning it with alcohol and a q-tip...carefully...but thoroughly...such a balance! If that doesn't work then you need a new CDROM drive mechanism. I supose if its come to this then you might try messing with the mini-pots, but only move them slightly, and mark the original position so you can put them back when you are done realizing it won't help.

If you are using nothing but CD-Rs, try a real CD, even an audio CD, before you can be sure the thing failed. Usually a CDROM2 will play CD-Rs no problem, but they weren't designed to, so you can't realistically expect it.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2006, 04:51:19 AM »
I haven't tried playing any CD-Rs in it.

Tried playing a handful of audio CDs in it-- no dice.
Tried cleaning the lens with alcohol and a Q-tip as per your suggestion-- still no dice; nothing but "PLEASE SET DISC!".

When you say I need to replace the drive mechanism, do you mean I need to find another CD unit? I should also note that I can hear something rattling inside the unit.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2006, 09:01:51 AM »
Quote from: "Nijhazer"
I haven't tried playing any CD-Rs in it.

Tried playing a handful of audio CDs in it-- no dice.
Tried cleaning the lens with alcohol and a Q-tip as per your suggestion-- still no dice; nothing but "PLEASE SET DISC!".

When you say I need to replace the drive mechanism, do you mean I need to find another CD unit? I should also note that I can hear something rattling inside the unit.

Rattling> Meaning you shake it and it rattles, or the disc spins and it rattles? You need to be specific when it comes to stuff like that as it could be two totally different things. Rattling while spinning usually is dust in the drive causing it to skip gears. This can be fixed with caned ait=r. If you go this route, BE VERY CAREFUL!!! DO NOT hit the laser or the laser mount with this as it is very easy to kill it, the air will break it if you are not careful.

If youare getting rattling by shaking the unit, you broke something dude, plain and simple, and that is not good at all.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2006, 09:03:57 AM »
Quote from: "T2KFreeker"
Quote from: "Nijhazer"
I haven't tried playing any CD-Rs in it.

Tried playing a handful of audio CDs in it-- no dice.
Tried cleaning the lens with alcohol and a Q-tip as per your suggestion-- still no dice; nothing but "PLEASE SET DISC!".

When you say I need to replace the drive mechanism, do you mean I need to find another CD unit? I should also note that I can hear something rattling inside the unit.

Rattling> Meaning you shake it and it rattles, or the disc spins and it rattles? You need to be specific when it comes to stuff like that as it could be two totally different things. Rattling while spinning usually is dust in the drive causing it to skip gears. This can be fixed with caned ait=r. If you go this route, BE VERY CAREFUL!!! DO NOT hit the laser or the laser mount with this as it is very easy to kill it, the air will break it if you are not careful.

If youare getting rattling by shaking the unit, you broke something dude, plain and simple, and that is not good at all.

When I lift the unit, I hear something rattling inside it. I bought this from someone else and it's been like this since I got it, so I figured maybe that had something to do with it.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2006, 09:29:05 AM »
I've had a lot of electronics develop rattles for one reason or another. Its not always bad, or even relevent. Many times its just a piece of flash plastic that broke lose one day, or something like that.

There is a pretty good chance though I'd say from your story that someone, one day, probably had this thing apart trying to fix it. He may have left a screw in there or something, but it was probably broke when he got to it, and obviously its still broke.

The drive mechanism is a HOP-M3, which I think is from...Hitachi? I forget. Its faily self contained, and is replaceable if you can find one. Since the thing seems to "do the twitch" I think it's fair to say that its hooked up right, and the door switch works, so you just need a new drive. All game systems eventually do this, although it probably happens less with PCE stuff than any other hardware.

You need to get a hold of someone like D-Lite if replacing the drive is beyond your skills.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2006, 09:56:36 AM »
When you say "replace the drive", are you referring to this:
or something more involved?


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2006, 12:55:33 PM »
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.

They refer to it as being "incredibly easy". Well, for me it is, but I'm used to working with this stuff. Its pretty delicate, and not made to ever be messed with by non-technicians. The little micro-molexes (or whatever) are pretty hard to remove without ripping the wires out of them unless you have the nack for it.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2006, 04:24:44 PM »
Hmm... I did email D-Lite, but in reading some other threads it seems he may be swamped with real-life business for some time. I wonder if there's anyone else that would be willing to take this job... If that lens part is the only part that's needed, I can certainly supply it.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2006, 04:56:38 PM »
Well I'm not the local legend that D-Lite is around here, but if nobody else wants the job I'll be glad to take it.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2006, 07:28:47 PM »
Quote from: "SignOfZeta"
They refer to it as being "incredibly easy". Well, for me it is, but I'm used to working with this stuff. Its pretty delicate, and not made to ever be messed with by non-technicians.

I'm a complete electronics dunce (never did anything like that before), and I found it to be an amazingly simple procedure.  However, you are correct when you state that those little wires are incredibly delicate.  However, with a little patience and careful use of a needle-nose pliers, it shouldn't be a problem.
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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2006, 12:08:49 PM »
I saw about this transport replacement before.  Does the one that guys uses for the Turbo Duo work on the TG16CD unit?  If so I'd gladly get one and try it out.

F.Y.I. - not sure about the power supplys, I've tested a bunch and some come out perfect right on the money, others are several volts off.... its jsut weird... i pretty sure i have it set up right.

Thanks again guys for all your help!


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #26 on: August 22, 2006, 08:21:47 PM »
Quote from: "poizon74"
I saw about this transport replacement before.  Does the one that guys uses for the Turbo Duo work on the TG16CD unit?  If so I'd gladly get one and try it out.

F.Y.I. - not sure about the power supplys, I've tested a bunch and some come out perfect right on the money, others are several volts off.... its jsut weird... i pretty sure i have it set up right.

Thanks again guys for all your help!

I wish that I could say yes, but as far as I have always known, no, the two systems have different mounting for the lasers, although this may end up being open for discussion as it has been years since I have had to do Jack with anything laser related to the Turbo Grafx/Duo.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2006, 02:08:11 PM »
D-Lite never responded to my request, so I took it to a local fellow who works on game consoles. He's never worked on a TG16CD unit before but otherwise has quite a bit more experience with this sort of thing than I do. We've been working on it for awhile and here's what we've got so far...

The TG16CD does not use a HOP-M3 laser, it uses a Sony KSS-220A. When we opened the unit up we discovered that the previous owner had severed the laser's ribbon cable for some reason, so I had to order a replacement lens anyway. Mr. Installer has been excitedly tinkering with the CD unit, trying to get it to work, but so far, no dice.

He installed the replacement KSS-220A today and resoldered another wire that had separated. Nothing. Cleaned out the entire unit, still nothing. In the hopes that someone here could offer some suggestions on other things to check, I'm bringing along all the information I've got so far, though I freely admit that for much of what he told me, I have no idea what he was talking about.

First of all he asked me to check and see if anyone knew whether there was an ESD on the KSS-220A, an ESD apparently being some small bit that must be removed from the unit before it can be used. He said he looked over it and couldn't find one, but that it's possible he missed it somewhere because it was too small or something. Myself being a cynical sort, I personally fear that the reason he couldn't find one is because the store where I got the replacement part may have given me a worn-out unit even though they said it was brand new... but I've got nothing to support this aside from my own cynicism and the fact that the machine still doesn't work.

Second, he sent me a bunch of pictures that he took of the unit while he was in the process of replacing the lens assembly. I don't really know what to make of these, and the quality is pretty terrible, but I nevertheless uploaded all of them to my site; you can see them all here. A note: He said something about a "pot screw" (?) which I think he said was missing, and he said these pictures would illustrate that.

If anyone has any advice, any questions, and/or any suggestions on how to proceed-- adjustment settings for the laser, other things to check, etc.-- please let me know; we're open to anything at this point. Thanks again!


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #28 on: September 09, 2006, 10:27:02 PM »
Man, those pics are really blury and dark. I can't see jack! I have no idea if even the best pics would help though.

If its missing a pot screw, then is it like...broken off from the pot itself? If that's the case then I would say that needs to be replaced for sure.


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Problem with my TG16 CD
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2006, 04:20:59 AM »
Quote from: "SignOfZeta"

If its missing a pot screw, then is it like...broken off from the pot itself? If that's the case then I would say that needs to be replaced for sure.

Could you elaborate? I'm sorry, it's just that I really don't know what he's referring to, or how I could get a replacement for that; and he's about as good at explaining this stuff as he is at taking photos.