Or just use it in an IFU... it looks pretty bad ass sitting next to the CDROM2.
The LCD upgrade was a total success! As I suspected, the 5" wide screen LCD (that is 16:9 or 4:3 switchable) is a great fit. Minor case modding was required (from the inside). The unit looks 100% stock, until you power it up Since the LT has a fully intact expansion port, modding the HU6280 to output Composite video was not required. I was able to tap the signal directly from Pin A22 of the expansion port. Power was taken from the tab of the voltage regulator, measured at 6.3v DC. Fortunately for me, this was enough to power the LCD without any issue.The LT's shell is extremely form fitting, there was barely enough room to run the input wires to the LCD. I opted to route the voltage and video signal wires through the HuCard port's screw holes (and only installed 2 of the 4 screws on the inside of the shell). I also nipped off the plastic standoffs for so the wires would make it to the top side of the PCB.From here, I ran the video signal + ground to one flex cable, and voltage + ground to another flex cable. It is a MUST that you use flex cables if you attempt this mod, insulated wire is too thick and will jam the hinge. Also, it is a must that you use shielded wire before and after the flex cable. Without it, the picture is extremely noisy. In addition, you need to keep the video signal flex cable as short as physically possible, or it will pickup noise on the line.I read from numerous sources that the LT's screen is "great even by today's standards". That is BS. If you've ever seen a GT/ Turbo Express screen in person, its exactly like that, only bigger. The ghosting is terrible, and color purity lackluster at best. The end result after the LCD enhancement - pure bliss. The LT is a definite keeper in my collection. I think I enjoy it more than my 3.5" LCD Turbo Express! And finally, a video of the unit in action!<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/irVfbxPDr5E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>I hope you enjoyed checkout out my LT as much as I did modding it! CheersBill