Many veterans get the same initial comments when they ask eBay higher end prices or even more (see current and recent threads). It rarely becomes as memorable because the responses from veteran sellers aren't typically as offensive and unreasonable. Veterans usually get PMs about their prices as well, which makes it seem like less is happening. Some may say that thread crapping in inexcusable in any case, while others will argue that colkectards and resellers abusing the forum us "forum crapping" and therefore a greater offense.
Often a game player will say that they'd rather not part with a gane for less than a particular price and when they din't get it they just keep the game and play it. Collectards and resellers who insist that they can not only not take a loss on an "investment", but must also make a minimum percentage profit on a game that they recently bought at above eBay market value of course receive more of a negative response.
Resellers who show up and only ever use the forum to flip and gouge games is a separate issue that typically offends vocal veterans more than a regular contributor parting with a few games at high prices every few years.
I agree that some people are hypocritical with their seller comments, but it's a minority of those who typically do chime in on these kinds of threads. It's the details of their comments and each circumstance that draws distinctions and not simply "high price!" commenting in general.
What surprises me is when people cheer on a forum member's auction and say that they hope it pushes an all new high for a game.