Being the huge Ys fan that I am, I imported Wanderers from Ys for the PS2 and just finished playing through it last night. I've played through the Turbo, SNES, and Genesis ports along with Oath in Felghana previously and I must say that I loved this PS2 port. I'm a huge fan of 2D artwork and it's pretty amazing in this game. Much of it has a painted look to it and the sprites look very nice as well. It was pretty easy though, much easier that the 16-bit versions. The music is also very nice though not quite up to par with the Turbo or Oath in Felghana tracks. The only downside is that there is no English version or translation patch. Of course, anyone who has played Ys III knows the storyline already but it would still be nice to play it in English. I highly recommend this game for any Ys fan.