I don't suppose the Avenue pad 3 works on the US version?
What about the 6 button controller?
Excellent question. I'm curious about this. I need to unpack some boxes, but I may check this out. I think i have a DUO --> TG-16 convertor... somewhere to plug AVE 3 into my TG-16...
You know, I had a couple Ave 6 pads for the last 8 years or so, but never tried them with FW.
Since I didn't like the feel of the loose D-Pads(hopefully ware) I sold them with my spare Turbo Duo to pay for my Duo-R like last month.
Otherwise I'd have tried them out as soon as I read this post.
I do have the 6 button Duo-R pad, but lent it along with the system to a friend to playYs IV in english.
Next time I see him I'll ask for the pad back and will give it a try in 6-button mode.