I will hold your entitled copy, but if you leave me hanging for like 2-3 weeks, someone else is getting it and you can wait.
EVERYONE ELSE:Pay attention Friday. That's when I will give you information on the orders.
Everyone will e-mail me with the provided button thing on, and it will be first come, first served. I will send PayPal invoices to the first lucky bitches.
I have like 40 available, split about evenly between regions. They are almost all going to you guys, with a small bit going to other key supporters who don't post here but have been equally supportive of Aetherbyte since day 1.
If you miss the first go around, you will be first in line for the next batch that is in the works.
So, don't panic. Bare with us. Also, the shipping will be Priority, but may take a bit longer, because I am doing all of the packing/shipping myself after work. This includes making the badass trinkets, and all of that.
Those who miss the first go around have the option to buy the ROM for 10$, and then you will only owe me 50$ + shipping when your turn in line comes for the card.
Said ROM will have some personal information wedged in it somewhere, so if you go uploading it to ROM sites, you'll be easily spotted by everyone, and they will hate you forever. Don't be a RoyVegas and ruin life for everyone.
Speaking of RoyVegas:
Don't even bother. You're not allowed to have Atlantean.
and last, but not least:
Remember, these are the first of their kind. They're 3D printed. They are not factory precision!
As such, there are slight oddities with the cases and cards.
-you may see some stray adhesive bits.
-The case trays are slightly larger than normal, so the back insert didn't quite clear the spine (should be addressed hopefully in the next batch, meaning we can figure out who has first prints! YEAH)
-The labels on the cards may not be 100% lined up. They're applied by hand. We're not machine perfect. We're basically fidgety programmers running on caffeine.
These things will improve over time so future projects will be even better than this one.
I'm not all about the whole "second printing!!12" Super Watermelon Factory bullshit.
The second batch will have lighter blue than the first print.
This was basically because I said "hey look at this shade of blue that wasn't available before!" when I went to buy more plastic filament.
This does not mean the different colors of blue, or different cuts of the manual, or any of that have any bearing on the actual value of the game package because of different print runs.
Anyone who thinks otherwise, stop being dumb.
Each and every copy is worth exactly 4902230235832598$.
The only thing of any collectible spastic value is the almighty trinket I hand made with a Christmas present I got in like 1995:
It's the best of the 1990s. New HuCard. New Pogs.
I am making those things by hand. The adhesive on the blank Pogs is completely shot. I have to reapply adhesive (but this means I can make them double sided instead of having the goofy yellow backs!).
They weren't kidding when they said use that shit in a well ventilated room.
They're hand made. They're not totally perfect. However, they're awesome.