Hello everyone, I should have sat down and did this a while ago. I have been looking through this forum for some time. Been a member for a slightly shorter time. I have in fact put some posts up before doing this.. and saw that sometimes introductions are given so here we go.
Bonoedgey, from Canada. I consider myself a pretty avid collector. Until recently I had yet to dive into the TG-16/PCE scene. I was aware of it as I had played it a few odd times here and there. I had mainly 2 hip friends
that had TG-16s. One mate had a few games that I played, the other had only 1 game and never played the system much. (
*note to esteban* it was dungeon explorer, thank you for your suggestions to compare).
When I think of it I should have just had my one friend sell me his TG-16 since he didn't use it much. I was able to get an understanding better with my other friend. He had some other games like China Warrior, JJ and Jeff, imagine Keith Courage, and a few I can't think of at the moment. I mainly played JJ and Jeff at that time. (I am having a hard time cause faint past memories of playing his system back in around '90-91. Time to make my new memories anyways
I recently managed to get a in my opinion "steal of a deal". I got a TG-16 (with KC). Multitap, PCE (white), multitap too, few controllers for PCE (including Ave 6 6-button), Rtype 1, SF2, and Kato Chan & Ken Chan (yah!!).
I have been reading lots here and there on this forum. I make comments once in a while but pretty darn new so far. I did pleasantly see that some like Tatsujin which is great. I actually think I heard of one of the forum members here before I heard of the forum. He doesn't really probably need an intro but I will anyways cause he was recently very nice to me and I am grateful.. I heard of Keith Courage and how he can work his magic on the system. Well I recently bought a CD-Rom2 with the briefcase to go with my white PCE from KC. It just arrived yesterday and I am excited to try it out. I have to wait though as my first Super-CD should be coming fairly soon.. Its Shadow of the Beast. I am excited... so Mr. Courage.. thank you once again. I truly appreciate it.
I am looking at this forum's various threads and I must confess bit overwhelmed but that is just because I am rather new to the whole TG-16 PCE scene. I know that everyone has their own favs when comes to games and that is natural. I have picked some of my games based on my limited experience with the hardware. Growing up a nintendo/sega guy , then sony/microsoft.. I kinda just went and thought the time was right. I know to some Shadow of the Beast will not make the radar... lol I got it cause it was cheap, and I remember playing on the Amiga.
Well I blabbed all too much already.. I would like to thank everyone that I have been in very limited (at this point) contact with. I look forward to contributing more to this forum. Thanks for listening or having a read of my intro..
Thanks everyone