Me and a few buddies are getting a friend a modded PCE Duo-R from Keith Courage for his birthday, and I was wanting to get him a "starter kit" of games to go with it. He already has a couple games (Keith Courage and Bonk's Adventure, as well as some sports titles), but I was wanting to get him a few more "essentials", as it were.
I was wanting to get him some/all of the following (preferably CIC):
Bonk's Revenge
Blazing Lazers
Ninja Spirit
Legendary Axe
Ys I & II
Alien/Devil's Crush
If anyone has 3 or 4 of these they are willing to sell (or possibly trade if interested in N64 cart only jazz I recently got a hold of, or Sega 32x stuff I also recently got a hold of

), please let me know,