Hmmmmm, you wouldn't want one without a manual, would you?
Not that I am necessarily selling (and I really don't mean to tease you), but I was wondering how much you'd pay for it....?
CD is in excellent condition, but there is water damage to the tray insert (paper is wrinkled, slightly discolored, it looks pretty stinky). The jewel case is fine, not that it makes a difference...
You can PM me if you want it private...
No, the manual is just as important to me as well. I have a few standards I must meet when I buy PCE CD games and they must include the manual, jewel case, and the gamedisc. The spine cards I really don't care about.
What happened to your copy, did you spill water all over it?
Ha! No, I got the game "cheap" because of all the damage. I just wanted to play DD II really bad so I went for it. Now, of course, like you, I want to get a decent copy of the game. Unfortunately, it's gonna cost some $$$$.
-------- Anecdote ------------
As far as ruining stuff: a few years ago a toilet in our house overflowed and tons of water went through a wall adjacent to the bathroom and into a closet where it SOAKED INTO A BOX OF MAGAZINES. I didn't realize the water got that far, and when I did, I had to perform emergency CPR on the wet magazines to save them. Imagine a hundred (well, maybe not that many) magazines spread out on the floor with a couple fans blowing on them.
I permanently damaged my Sega Visions collection, my Edge collection, and a whole bunch of random EGM's, GamePro's etc.
Damn, that sucked.
But now I keep most magazines in PLASTIC BINS (wish I had done that sooner!).