Author Topic: Pc Engine collections  (Read 7663 times)


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« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2006, 02:47:03 PM »
yes, those are the namcot hucard spines. they looked always like that, even when they changed to the jewel-case :)
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« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2006, 07:16:32 AM »
If I have understand your post,  the 2 only HuCARDs games who have spin-card are Populous and Street Fighters 2´, because they have a big box.
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« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2006, 10:05:04 AM »
Nice collection, really awesome.
It seems you are focused on getting all the games for the pce, right?

Ninja Spirit

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« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2006, 11:19:56 AM »
Great to see Europeans rockin' this stuff!  8)

That's the last one I took like a few months ago. I didn't have Barunba yet

Blast from the past. This used to be my Turbo collection, then when the black PCE Duo died which was the day before my copy of Dracula X came in the mail, booyah! Turbo/PCE hiatus in a can. I'll never forget that violent surge of disappointment realizing my then newly acquired Dracula X would have to sit on the shelf for six months.


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« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2006, 02:26:51 PM »
Quote from: "Thibaut"
If I have understand your post,  the 2 only HuCARDs games who have spin-card are Populous and Street Fighters 2´, because they have a big box.

that's just right. as i'm informed and also seen it :)
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Ninja Spirit

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« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2006, 03:33:24 PM »
Speaking of that, whats with that big bulge on the Street Fighter II' hucard?


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« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2006, 03:38:58 PM »
some people say, there is the 20Mbit storage. since i never open one (though i could do it since the game doesn't cost more than 500yen (~$5) usually), i can't confirm that. may be i will open one in the future, if i can find one lose for less than 200yen (~$2) :P

but may be it is the same story as for the populous and its not existing battery in the bulge. vapor only :P
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« Reply #37 on: October 06, 2006, 02:34:21 AM »
those are some big ass collections there.

I'm only gonna stick with the HuCARDs for now.  My stuff mostly gets stored away though:

my humble list of PCE games although thats probably gonna get a few more additions between now and the new year.

my early collection. used to have coryoon but sold that and few other games on ebay.

Black Tiger

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« Reply #38 on: October 06, 2006, 11:42:19 AM »
Quote from: "Digi.k"
those are some big ass collections there.

I'm only gonna stick with the HuCARDs for now.  My stuff mostly gets stored away though:

my humble list of PCE games although thats probably gonna get a few more additions between now and the new year.

my early collection. used to have coryoon but sold that and few other games on ebay.

You've got some pretty good taste in HuCard games.  8)

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« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2006, 01:05:29 PM »
Thanks Tiger ^__^ although its no way complete.

Quote from: "Tatsujin"
some people say, there is the 20Mbit storage. since i never open one (though i could do it since the game doesn't cost more than 500yen (~$5) usually), i can't confirm that. may be i will open one in the future, if i can find one lose for less than 200yen (~$2) :P

but may be it is the same story as for the populous and its not existing battery in the bulge. vapor only :P

there was a thread made about this already but heres that pic again of populous opened up.

I'm sure the Street fighter is similar...


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« Reply #40 on: October 10, 2006, 07:17:39 PM »
yes..but the bulge was emty, yes ? :)
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« Reply #41 on: October 11, 2006, 03:42:41 AM »
yes its empty and no matter what other people say that hole isn't deep enough to fit any small battery in there.


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« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2006, 03:21:05 PM »
I'd have to dissagree with that, they do make some TINY batteries. For example, the tennokoe bank has the same type of battery that would have went in the populous card.


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« Reply #43 on: October 11, 2006, 04:26:36 PM »
I don't have any pics of my collection. Its not very impressive, but I'll tell what it isn't: Its isn't $10,000 worth of still shrink-wrapped NEC crap shoved into cardboard boxes like 20 year old Christmas cards.

Show some respect. By a motherf*cking bookcase or something! Damn!



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« Reply #44 on: October 11, 2006, 05:52:10 PM »
Quote from: "SignOfZeta"
I don't have any pics of my collection. Its not very impressive, but I'll tell what it isn't: Its isn't $10,000 worth of still shrink-wrapped NEC crap shoved into cardboard boxes like 20 year old Christmas cards.

Show some respect. By a motherf*cking bookcase or something! Damn!


haha easy for you to say that but I guess you don't live in an area where several of your neighbours have been broken into and had their possessions stolen which is why I don't like displaying things for all to see..

The other reason.. well I had few instances when mates came over and while im away either on the phone or in the kitchen checking food, they look at my games take out the manual, it gets creased, folded up, left lying around and manual ends up being sat on and a big foot print embedded on the pages.  I'm pretty sure if you encounted that you too will end up putting your stuff away in wrapping etc..

and as for the battery.. the empty pocket fits the size of CR2032 battery.  I keep thinking its those batteries which are used.