It seems like all of us intermediate collectors and noobs blindly stumble along, trying to decipher obscure bits of trivia and decade-old rumors. Meanwhile, guys like you, d-lite and bt are off dwelling on some other plane with your god-like collections. Once in awhile you swoop down and grace us with your presence while we muck about in the mundane ebay/flea-market sphere trying to track down things as primitive as a box for Ys....damn.
Although my ego IS feeling pretty stoked about my copy of Sylphia right now. *heheheh*
Well, this post won't earn me any friends, but I think what you just wrote there is pretty f*cked. Seeing this much cash spent on stuff nobody will ever play, honestly, makes me f*cking sick to my stomach and knowing that people like you respond in exactly the way H2RdC0r3 collectors often hope (with massively misguided adoration/worship) is even worse.
A guy that owns 600 PCE games owns more bad games than I have games period. The PCE library is pretty solid, but there have to be 170 pieces of shit in there at the very least. How can someone be proud of owning 170+ pieces of shit? Even if one is hung up on spending money to attempt (and fail) to find happiness, I think a vintage Alpha Romeo, or a trip to Paris would vastly cooler.
How can owning a copy of Sylphia do anything to boost the ego of a rational well-adjusted mind? Try learning a new language, or a musical instrument, or something meaningful other that just buying someone else's work.
I don't want to sound like that girl that dumped you, but...get a damn life, I guess is what I'm trying to say.
And pay off your f*cking credit card!
Hey door-knob, I'm offended by what you wrote. It's harsh and judgmental and I'm upset. You have a point about the idol worship in my post, but that's about it. The motivation of my post was to say "How come you guys with all the games aren't more active around here?" I threw in a hefty measure of descriptive, idol-worship nonsense because I enjoy writing like that.
I don't know about everyone else, but this forum is the one place in my life where I go to dork it up, talk to fellow gamers and be a kid again. You've posted more than me in half the time I've had an account. I also own fewer games than you. Does that make you a loser? Of course not.
I bust my ass 45 hours a week for an environmental group. I play in two bands and have an album out on label. I sew my own clothes, make instruments out of metal, and manage to keep my 25 year old motorcycle running. I quit drinking and have been with my girl for a year. My band played a gig with the guitarist from the Cramps and the Bad Seeds tonight and I don't have a credit card. That said, I still like Transformers, Weird Al, Men Without Hats and TurboGrafx games. Everybody is a dork; football players, yuppies, politicians...everybody. Some people are just more socially accepted than others.
Where do you get off judging your fellows on the forum you frequent?
I think TurboGrafx games kick ass. I think herr-g and most everyone on this forum kicks ass. Guys like herr-g who own a couple copies of Sapphire don't piss me off. That doesn't affect me. The guys who piss me off are the vermin like Bullseye who jack prices up on ebay. I'm happy to be at a point in my life where I can finally afford some of these games I drooled over as a kid. I couldn't afford them when I was 12 because I didn't get allowance and my paper route pulled in $25 a month. No, these games are not going to make me happy, but I'm still damn proud of my copy of Sylphia.
And by the way, I also have the original Optimus Prime, Darth Vader and the Millennium Falcon.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.