man i wish i had a rack like that.
diden't want to start a new thread so this one seems the best way to ask but Just wondering what do you guys consider a full set? Do you count all not for sale, promo stuff in or do you see them as extras.
just messing around shoulden't really post when being drunk but yeah celibrating after finally getting Akiyamajin into teh collection!
oh did you? pix please then and gongrats on that one. how much did it set you back?
So why isn't Akiyama in the PC Engine Bible?
Quote from: Bardoly on April 14, 2013, 07:49:50 AMSo why isn't Akiyama in the PC Engine Bible?Back in the day, sunteam_paul explained that the PCE Bible is rooted in his personal collection and, although he has slowly been expanding the Bible, it is not yet 100% comprehensive in its coverage.