yeah, those special versions of bomberman only contains the vs. mode, for the yearly hudson competitions back in the time

taikenban means promotial soft, this goes for the BM'94, which then came out on a SCD. same fot the "deden no den kabuki". which again is the BM'94 but with kabuki characters instead of bombermen, as well on a SCD.
as for the shooting special versions, they where made for yearly hudson competition purposes as well.
concerning tengai makyô ziria, i dunno know well about, what's the differences. never went in seriously so far.
darius alpha was a give away present for those fast people who purchased darius plus and super darius, and sent back a small triangular snippet out from the manuals backside.
still missing hudson specials: Bomberman user battle, PC Genjin 3 taikenban, power league gold hucard, which will cost me probably more than i've already spent on those specials