I contributed to that interview!
Ah, nice! I see your name in the credits now that you mention it

And I'm not seeing where you're picking up any desperation or being out of touch in there, not even close, almost all of the questions are pretty straight-forward and the questions on any future prospects are answered fairly candid as well.
It could very well be my own (mis)interpretation then.
What I found odd when I read it was some of his answers towards the end of the interview, openly asking for suggestions, almost thinking out loud maybe? For instance "where to find a good 3D artist?", "Please tell me which game platform is appropriate for MW", and "If 'Aquario of the Clockwork' were released as part of the 'Sega Vintage Collection', would people be interested in buying it?". It felt strange, and a bit insecure, to read such direct questions from such an experienced game designer. Also, the fact that these questions are not answered by the interviewer, at least in the published version, I think it further isolated his responses somehow.