Yea man i feel for ya, about 7 years ago I had my apartment broke into and had pretty much everything electronic stolen... Except my 56" TV. Lets seeeeeee my Ps3, Xbox360, Wii, all games and accessories for said systems, my 1K$ video camera, SLR camera, PSP, Nin.DS, both my laptops (school & work), and about 700$ in cash. Pretty much everything that was in my living room minus the cash, which was in my bedside night stand. My entire retro collection was setup im my room, and thank god none of that was touched. Thanks to my renters insurance, i was able to replace everything for considerably less than what I had originally paid, and about a year later that police dept. called and told me they had recovered my video camera! It was trying to be pawned in a shop about an hour and a half from where I lived. Come to find out, I had been robbed by a couple of f*cking kids! Seriously! 2 teenagers, and neither one of them was even 16!!! Unfortunatly for the camera, it had been dropped and the lens had come off the track, so it was junk... at least I got to recover the tape in it :\
In my case, i feel like it was a blessing in disguise since nothing of any real sentimental value or rare/collectable was taken. Thanksfully because of this, I was actually able to pocket a little bit of my settlement since I was able to buy preowned.
In short, my condolences so go out to you sir, I am super sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you felt when you came home to find your shit in disarray. Be thorough with looking thru everything. I was finding out that other things were stolen an entire month after the fact, I just didnt think to check EVERYWHERE at the time. Get yourself some insurance. I know hindsight is 20/20 and all that mess and im sure your sick to your stomach hearing everyone repeatedly tell you this, but renters insurance is pretty damn cheap and I can attest personally to the fact that it is WELL worth it. I will definitely be on the look out for anything that sounds like it could be from your collection, I tend to frequent Feebay and the Zon for "good deals" so ill make sure to keep my eyes peeled.