Author Topic: stolen collection  (Read 2709 times)


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2014, 02:45:22 PM »
damn dude, that shit sucks! I'm very sorry to hear this tragedy had to happen! I hope karma comes to bite that a$$hole in the ass! I''ll keep a look out if I happen to see anything suspicious online from vancover area and I've been looking to get my collection insured. Anyone know what I need to do about insuring my collection?


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2014, 02:49:46 PM »
Renters in insurance with detailed pics, video and replacement cost list. That is what I did. Lot's of work if you have a lot to list..... ](*,)
Titles to complete... Caught them all....


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2014, 03:07:43 PM »
Sorry to hear about this incident. I often worry about something like this happening to me. Not to make light of your problems but, I don't think I've seen a 1 letter typo change a meaning so much.

When I go pick up games, I usually come back with 50-100, take a photo, post on Facebook, most people don't realize this is expensive stuff.
Not many people that I've opened up with about prices or anything, I don't enjoy people much so I'm extremely picky with who I open up with, so that narrows it down a lot.
I don't have any kind of insurance, just renting from a new place the past several months, never thought anyone would break in and steal games, or at the very least if it did happen, I never thought they'd go for TurboGrafx, its quite the obscure, unheard of system.
Nothing has popped up yet and its been nearly a week.
With my Super Nintendo games there was an ogre battle game with a torn piece off the label, secret of mama, demons crest, earthbound, mega man x3, tons of great stuff, NES had all mega mans, castlevanias, Zelda's, dragon warriors, even an English translated final fantasy 3, Bucky o hare, just too much to list, great collection though, if I saw it in the wild I'd recognize it, thanks for all the well wishing, I hope I catch this f*cking cunt and regain my passion.


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2014, 03:14:16 PM »
Renters in insurance with detailed pics, video and replacement cost list. That is what I did. Lot's of work if you have a lot to list..... ](*,)

I bet it is a lot of work but it's worth it to keep your collection safe from robbery or anything that can happen. any good companies you can recommend?


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2014, 03:23:26 PM »
My parent's live in a very low crime area, even so they foolishly didn't have an alarm or safe. About 10 yrs ago they had their house broken into. Fortunately the thief was amateur and left a lot of the higher dollar items, except for my dad's Rolex. Unfortunately their home owner's insurance would only cover $2500 for jewelery, which the other smaller items nearly added up to.

So my dad was out the ~$12,000 the watch cost. Just like TG16 games, my dad's Rolex wasn't very common. Instead of the typical gold or stainless it was rose gold. My dad went to pawn shops in the area looking for it. At one of them the pawn broker said an unknown guy had come in trying to sell him a watch that fit the description, but he didn't buy it because he thought it was fake. However, another customer who was in the store bought it directly from the fence for $500.

The other customer was a regular, and the pawn broker knew his name and number. He's a tenured professor at a state university. When my dad called him he nearly shit his pants. The professor drove immediately, from his home an hour away, to give the watch back. He didn't ask for the $500 either. (If you haven't caught on as to why, it's because he knew the watch was hot and didn't want a receiving stolen goods charge.)

It would have been a lot less likely for my dad to have got his watch back if it wasn't rose gold. It was obscure enough that it stuck out in the pawn broker's mind. So hopefully the obscurity of the TG16 will be enough to trigger some alarms when the thief tries to move your collection.
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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2014, 10:54:50 AM »
My apologies, amigo.
No need to apologize, I've seen enough of your posts to know that's your style. There's no beef, I was just explaining myself because I can see how the story could come off that way.

neutopia6, how many people knew about the cigarettes in the freezer? I don't think many thieves would look there. If only a few people knew about them I'd try feeding them misinformation. Say things that weren't stolen were stolen & vice versa. See if they have any reaction and go from there. Of course that idea is null and void if you've posted about the details of the robbery on facebook.

If you have the patience I'd keeping checking local game shops, pawn shops, craigslist, etc. for a few months. If they are clever at all they won't move it in one huge lot immediately.

Good luck
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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2014, 11:06:19 AM »
Hopefully you can get your stuff back dude!
Here's a thread that might make you more optimistic. This guy lost his Konami Windy candy cab and found it 2 years later through persistent searching for it
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2014, 12:23:21 PM »
My apologies, amigo.
No need to apologize, I've seen enough of your posts to know that's your style. There's no beef, I was just explaining myself because I can see how the story could come off that way.

neutopia6, how many people knew about the cigarettes in the freezer? I don't think many thieves would look there. If only a few people knew about them I'd try feeding them misinformation. Say things that weren't stolen were stolen & vice versa. See if they have any reaction and go from there. Of course that idea is null and void if you've posted about the details of the robbery on facebook.

If you have the patience I'd keeping checking local game shops, pawn shops, craigslist, etc. for a few months. If they are clever at all they won't move it in one huge lot immediately.

Good luck

With the freezer, many people keep cash there.

This is someone familiar with the stock, but, in freezers, yes, cigs cost $, but many people, bars, clubs, etc, still use that as a cash spot. It's an old spot, it's tired, yes, but still used.

"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2014, 12:47:06 PM »
Wait... so, in <20 posts, I'm already flagged as a non-funny drunk poster?

niiiiiice...  8)

Not quite. you're a unique mess, why I, at least, converse with you.

, I'm sure, when I get a chance with you, we can be unfunny together, over a bottle, and TG-16's new Defender sequel, or that DoxPhile game.

"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2014, 01:50:16 PM »
Exactly, the freezer makes sense to look in, some drugs get stored there, the person was very thorough, found all the hiding spots.
All I can really do is hope it pops up somewhere eventually and I can spot it and find out who brought it in.
Both Y's book I and IIs, the tgcd one and the duo one, my Neutopia II was just in a regular CD case, if I remember any little details I'll post them, I'm sure whoever took it isn't very smart, and won't sell it off a few games at a time. Nearly 600 were missing.
Thanks though for all the advice so far, I'm really trying hard to keep my hopes up. :(


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2014, 02:29:14 PM »
f*ck, don't even know what to say. I do not have insurance so I hate hearing this.

YA its late to offer advice but for me I have "Alarm Force" stickers posted ( no alarm ) I have 2 a$$hole dogs that bark and bark ( dogs are the best deterrence for a break in) I also have one of these..

This cock sucker is so loud you cannot even hear yourself talk, it's heat activated, and password protected. Only a deterrence but I hope your ears bleed while you take my shit!!

so sorry to hear man
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 02:34:08 PM by Sparky »


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2014, 02:55:06 PM »
f*ck, don't even know what to say. I do not have insurance so I hate hearing this.

YA its late to offer advice but for me I have "Alarm Force" stickers posted ( no alarm ) I have 2 a$$hole dogs that bark and bark ( dogs are the best deterrence for a break in) I also have one of these..

This cock sucker is so loud you cannot even hear yourself talk, it's heat activated, and password protected. Only a deterrence but I hope your ears bleed while you take my shit!!

so sorry to hear man

Deterrence is 90% of it, if an alarm goes off no one (unless they are cracked or on PCP) is going to be hanging around to find out if it's a real or fake alarm. 
Gredler: spread her legs and push her down to make her more lively<br>***<br>majors: You used to be the great man, this icon we all looked up to and now your just a pico collecting 'tard...oh, how the mighty have fallen...<br>***<br>_joshuaTurbo: Sex, Lies, Rape and Arkhan. A TurboGrafx love story


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2014, 03:24:22 PM »
Ouch dude. Sorry to hear about that ! I need to check the coverage on my house insurance, and see what it covers, and doesn't .. as it relates to my collection

My TG-16/PCE Collection :


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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2014, 07:05:24 PM »
neutopia6, how many people knew about the cigarettes in the freezer? I don't think many thieves would look there.

With the freezer, many people keep cash there.

This is someone familiar with the stock, but, in freezers, yes, cigs cost $, but many people, bars, clubs, etc, still use that as a cash spot. It's an old spot, it's tired, yes, but still used.

Exactly, the freezer makes sense to look in, some drugs get stored there, the person was very thorough, found all the hiding spots.
You're right; freezer is a common spot to hide money.

I still think the thief is probably someone who can see your facebook posts. One last idea, you could plead that a game that is somehow unique, specific damage to the label, box, etc. has extreme sentimental value. Offer amnesty and a huge pay-off for the game's return. Of course don't honor the amnesty.

Wait... so, in <20 posts, I'm already flagged as a non-funny drunk poster?

niiiiiice...  8)
The first couple dozen posts of yours I read I thought you were a real piece of shit troll. I then realized with your post count you'd have been banned a long time ago if you weren't joking.

This is the funniest thing I've read in weeks:
You can leave the shield off safely, just make sure not to use the console within 500 feet of a microwave oven or any RF transmitter.  Tg16 have been known to induce serious current through the turbo pads in the absence of the FCC mandated RF shielding.
Ahh. Guess I should maybe just try and trim it then as the little nook area in my bedroom where I have all my systems hooked up is pretty close to the kitchen and therefore about 15 feet away from the microwave. If I did just leave the bottom though, would that shield it enough?
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Re: stolen collection
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2014, 08:13:08 PM »
Neutopia6, I wish you the best, and I hope the judge is like this fella -

Detroit it not far over the Canada border.
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".