How close to original do you think the final product will look? Will people make repros using these and try to pass them off as legit?
I just received my prototype plastic which will serve as the PCB Holder for dbCards. While the shape will be identical, it will be impossible to pass off my products as legit copies. I know I can't prevent people from making repros, but the true intent here is to allow new games to be made by small devs. Here's a picture of my plastic prototype compared to a real HuCard:

Some major differences are:
[ul][li]Plastic type, colour and texture are different[/li][li]dbCards include two mounting posts to align PCB[/li][li]Area available for game sticker is smaller than most HuCards[/li][li]My PCBs aren't in yet to demonstrate, but they will be green as opposed to black on originals[/li][li]On original HuCards, there is a plastic lip near the connectors, on my dbCards, the PCB will extend all the way to the edge.[/li][li]etc...[/li][/ul]
btw, PCBs have shipped, I expect to receive them in the coming 2 weeks!