Inspired by a post in another thread, I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of Halloween related games... the first few that came to mind are Devil Crash, Dracula X, Ghouls and Ghosts, Hana Taka Daka, Kid Dracula, Magical Chase and Splatterhouse.
I'll keep the list in this post updated, so let me know what you have got...?
PC Engine
[uldecimal][li]Akumajo Dracula X[/li][li]Altered Beast[/li][li]Cotton[/li][li]Daimakaimura (Ghouls and Ghosts)[/li][li]Dead of the Brain 1 & 2[/li][li]Demon of Laplace[/li][li]Devil Crash[/li][li]Genpei Toumaden[/li][li]Genpei Toumaden Kannoni[/li][li]Ghost Sweeper Mikami[/li][li]Hana Taka Daka (Super Long Nosed Goblin)[/li][li]Hihou Densetsu - Chrisu no Bouken (Chris's Adventure)[/li][li]Horror Story (Demon's World)[/li][li]Hyaku Monogatari[/li][li]Jigoku Meguri (Hell Explorer)[/li][li]Kiki Kaikai[/li][li]Magical Chase[/li][li]Makai Prince Dorabocchan (Kid Dracula)[/li][li]Mamono Hunter Youko - Makai Kara No Tenkousei[/li][li]Mamono Hunter Youko - Touki Yobikoe[/li][li]Renny Blaster[/li][li]Shadow of the Beast[/li][li]Shin Onryo Senki[/li][li]Shiryou Sensen (War Of The Dead)[/li][li]Splatterhouse[/li][li]Youkaidouchuuki (Tales of the Monster Path)[/li][/ul]
Turbo Grafx 16
[uldecimal][li]Ghost Manor[/li][li]It Came from the Desert[/li][li]Night Creatures[/li][/ul]
[uldecimal][li]Akuma no Shinban[/li][/ul]