Author Topic: Fleamarket resellers  (Read 517 times)


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Re: Fleamarket resellers
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2014, 06:49:56 AM »

Yea, so the seller I mentioned in the OP had Yoshi's Island loose for $36 dollars, and a NES toploader without any games for $100.

To me, flea markets price should be *less* than ebay.
[ul][li]They don't have to pay ebay fees (yes they have to pay a fee to be at the market, but that's fixed, also see next point).[/li][li]By having a stall at the flea market they get all sorts of trade ins, which means buying their inventory for pennies on the dollar.[/li][li]Like you said, on ebay you pay a premium for not having to hunt for what you want.[/li][/ul]

Chop5 and I went to a flea market earlier in the year and saw a vendor with a good variety of 3DO games.  Nothing on his table was priced, when I inquired how much Theme Park for example was, he whips out his cell phone and checks Ebay pricing is becoming standard for resellers.


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Re: Fleamarket resellers
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2014, 07:49:32 AM »

Yea, so the seller I mentioned in the OP had Yoshi's Island loose for $36 dollars, and a NES toploader without any games for $100.

To me, flea markets price should be *less* than ebay.
[ul][li]They don't have to pay ebay fees (yes they have to pay a fee to be at the market, but that's fixed, also see next point).[/li][li]By having a stall at the flea market they get all sorts of trade ins, which means buying their inventory for pennies on the dollar.[/li][li]Like you said, on ebay you pay a premium for not having to hunt for what you want.[/li][/ul]

Chop5 and I went to a flea market earlier in the year and saw a vendor with a good variety of 3DO games.  Nothing on his table was priced, when I inquired how much Theme Park for example was, he whips out his cell phone and checks Ebay pricing is becoming standard for resellers.

wow that is ridiculous!  ive had something like that happened to me. I went to ask a price on a game I saw at the swap meet,  the person takes out their phone and I ask what they were doing, then they said they were checking ebay for prices. I shook my head in disappointment and said, forget it. im not paying ebay prices and just left. then they wonder why their mario and zelda games are sunfaded and not selling.