If you want to make money, offer me a product or service whereby I value the marginal utility of the product or service more than the marginal utility of the money I'm foregoing. Don't get pissy that someone else is doing that.
This is similar to what was said before. I can and will get "pissy" when my work hours were somehow involved. If you can clap like a seal and say only positive things about his actions because it serves your interests in wanting a pressed disc, so too can negative things be said about him if he took advantage of somebody else to produce his product, most especially by the actual people who had their terms-of-use violated... You don't get to tell critics they somehow have no say via "don't get pissy," only that YOU do. The world is not a "only positive comments allowed" when it suits you, you're not "entitled" to that, so to speak.
I don't fall into this category, but another point is that many fan hackers/translators have a strict fan credo view that the work is non-profit and specifically state in their licensing files that the work is not to be sold by anyone. Not that they will be listened to, not that they have legal rights, WE KNOW THAT, only to make known their wishes! Such people do not want discs pressed, and are not ever going to make them themselves... Duh! So you going around and telling them either make the pressed discs yourselves, or don't get pissy (read: don't complain, shut up!) when somebody else does without consent/notification, is self-serving, entirely disrespectful of their viewpoint and the conditions under which they did the work in the first place.
You're NOT "entitled" to receiving a pressed disc and neither was Tobias in making one [legally] since he escaped thousands of dollars in license fees, just so you know.
Anyway, I'm done checking this thread. You guys are just reinforcing my initial impression that you're too emotional to process reason.
It's not that we're too emotional to process reason, it's that you're apparently too self-serving to criticize him for his past actions, both his lying about his Sapphire bootlegs which have cost suckers hundreds of dollars, and the taking of fan work without consent/notification.
Given Bonknuts explanation though, I now have to revise what I said about Tobias if they indeed spoke to each other at some point. It was Bonknuts that contacted him, not the other way around though, but that might be understandable if the source of the Rockman bootleg was some auction in Japan and Tobias took it and duped more of them.