Author Topic: Glossy Duo?  (Read 3721 times)


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #60 on: February 09, 2015, 10:18:59 AM »
hmm.. makes me wonder if they did do a small run of these, and we just never seen em.  I mean, TTi did some weird shit...


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2015, 10:25:38 AM »
hmm.. makes me wonder if they did do a small run of these, and we just never seen em.  I mean, TTi did some weird shit...

They didn't last long enough if you ask me to play around with the appearance. We got one type of TurboExpress, one TG-16, and one Turbo Duo with the rise and quick fall of TTi, no variations in boxes or appearance that I recall, etc.


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2015, 10:33:13 AM »

Another one? 

It seems so.  What's the manual for?  It's the wrong style for later stuff, and does it say NFC?!?

Those dots indicate TG-16 era style...from earliest....when TTi came in, they restyled hardware and software aesthetics.

So, it would be fun to see what this manual thing looks like.

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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #64 on: February 09, 2015, 11:04:52 AM »
what's with the "blank" power supply too?  or is that just the flash drowning out the label?


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #65 on: February 09, 2015, 11:27:55 AM »
Interesting. I wonder if there were any pirate Duos out there. There were some pirate PCE units in the wild.
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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2015, 12:15:31 PM »
The story I just heard on it comes from a pretty reputable source who told me that there was a glossy duo made for EB as a promo give away and the idea was scrapped. He happened to be in the NEC office the day they came back and was given them. He in turn gave them to some friends. As far as he knows there was 20 of them (that he got a hold of) there could be more out there. Also there was 10 more games slated to be released and never saw the light of day but there was fliers and such made up for the games. This source just happened to be a publisher who wishes me not to name him due to the child like behavior on this board and he wants no part of it. now I know the first thing out of everyone's mouth will be "oh he don't exist" or "why won't he speak up" the answer is simple she wants no part of the debate, he knows they are real and I can believe him as I have no reason not to, and yes he does know about this board and I'm sure he is a member here, but I can't blame him for not wanting to speak up. Should he want to he is more than welcome to confirm or deny what I just said.


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2015, 12:23:49 PM »
Bullshit.  This was cleared.  Quit trying to fabricate OMG rarez.
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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #68 on: February 09, 2015, 12:30:01 PM »
Lol I couldn't make this shit up, I just wish the guy would say something to prove you ass hats wrong but you would just call him bullshit too right...of course you would. Like I said I don't need to claim rarez anything. I do know for a fact that I have more rare shit pass through my hands in the last 3 months you most of you guys have seen in a life time. Thats not the issue here, the issue was if this was a real deal unit or not and seeing that none of you know for sure 100% and neither do I, I really don't care, it works and I enjoy it so for the haters with no duo keep on searching.


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #69 on: February 09, 2015, 01:57:04 PM »
Lol I couldn't make this shit up, I do know for a fact that more dick has passed through my hands and swallowed more cock in the last 3 months you most of you guys have in a life time. Thats not the issue here........


Any halfway decent painter can do that.

Your making shit up....move along.
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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2015, 02:02:54 PM »
And my case is closed. only goes to show the maturity level of the kids here and the reason the source does not come forward, now I fully understand that tggodfrey has penis envy and is expressing his real desires through my postings.

Riders gonna ride.

even notice how arguing over the internet is like the special Olympics, no one really wins and at the end of the day your still retarded.


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #71 on: February 09, 2015, 02:09:35 PM »
No, you're still retarded. Some people do actually learn things.


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Glossy Duo?
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2015, 02:17:20 PM »
Btw, Ninja knows he's full of shit, but some other kids might actually be tempted to believe them, so I feel it is important to have one more voice here stating that he is full of shit. Some of us have DECADES into their Turbo fandom. None of us knows everything, but between all the members here you'll find the most complete Turbo lore database on Earth. Nobody here thinks there is the slightest chance that this is an official thing.

The biggest thing making it obviously fake comes from just thinking about how long the system was on the market. The Turbo Duo as a thing wasn't around very long. There were no revisions of the product that I can think of, maybe something on the PCB, but I think even that never changed. One model number the entire run. There wasn't enough time for variations, and certainly not enough money.

But even going beyond that, everyone knows that you don't add paint near a product's lifespan, you remove it! Revisions of game systems are almost always about reducing cost. Paint would increase it.

And I don't remember any EB having any demo kiosks at all back then. The stores were all super tiny, no room for anything but product.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 02:23:38 PM by SignOfZeta »


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2015, 02:22:50 PM »
Btw, swap out a few nouns and Ninja's case for this thing being real is essentially the same as Tonk's case for US Aero Fighters 3 (AES) being real. I got it from a guy who worked for the company, he had a bunch, he's too grown up to come forth and prove its history, etc. That turned out to be a $100,000 clusterf*ck, and that was a guy with 10x the cred you'll ever have, Ninja.

I look forward to your inevitable banning.


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Re: Glossy Duo?
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2015, 02:33:37 PM »
Wasn't for a demo, was a give away according to my source, and i'm not full of anything, just repeating what i am told. I have already admitted i am by far no expert but i have also been into the turbo since day one and do have some knowledge of it, and as i clearly stated before I have never seen one and if this story i was told is true and there were only 20 made chance are no one has. Just because you, me, or anyone else here has not seen something does not mean it don't exist. I'm sure I have things you never even heard of and vise versa. Some clowns feel the need to reject any possibility of something they haven't seen. Ever seen a ghost? UFO, government cover ups, no you haven't of course not, does that mean they don't happen or exist? So I will leave this alone and trust someone who worked with/along side the company over someone who just collects and played a few games over a decade. I'm 40 years old and have been into it longer than some have been alive so try another route, i'm not some punk kid with telephone tough guy syndrome. Sleep well knowing I may just very well have a rare duo or just a good paint job, in either case like I said I could not care what anyone thinks, It works, I play it, and I love it.