I don't consider Ninja Spirit that hard. Once you have a few powerups, you are so powerful...
But, I've played the game to death. On PCE mode.
That doesn't mean I don't get my butt handed to me in other games, though. Like R-Type. I still get smacked around by R-Type.
That's because R-Type is cheap as f*ck. I remember spending all day, like 10 hours, multiple times growing up trying to beat R-Type on Master System. Never beat it. It is one of the very few games on my list that I could never complete that I must get revenge upon. Right up there with Soloman's Key and Fester's Quest. And I consider myself pretty damn good at video games. I have beat all the Ninja Gaiden's and all the Ghosts n' Goblins games, Battletoads etc..., among many other games considered hard, and R-Type is one of the toughest.
Dragon Spirit is cheap as hell too.
I beat the TG-16 version of R-Type once when I was a kid. I think it always seemed like a chore to try to do it again, so I usually played up to level 3 (the Battleship) and beat that and just stopped there because that was pretty much my favorite level. Tough game though, certainly. You were always getting nailed by some stray bullet. Conversely, I remember I loved playing through Ordyne because it was so damn easy in comparison. I beat that game dozens of times, and it was probably my most played shooter up until I got my Turboduo and Gate of Thunder. You know the rest after that! If you can beat battletoads (which is a bunch of bullshit mainly due to poor programming and design), the GnG series, and Ninja Gaiden, you have more than enough skill to stick out R-Type to the end, so go for it!
R-Type will succumb to my gaming skills one of these days. One of the next games on my list is R-Type Complete CD. So I will be investing some serious time into it this winter. Battletoads really isn't that hard. It's just memorizing all the racing and that snake level. Those are the only really annoying parts. Especially the unicycle level. But the worst is The Dark Queens Tower. It rotates while you jump and is pretty cheap.
Viva LA Dragon's Crush!
(0) I love Dragon Spirit! Challenging at some points (e.g. some parts really require you to be TINY DRAGON, which I can't always keep)...I never found Dragon Spirit as frustrating as other games...but I'll never beat Battletoads, so we all have games that exhaust/empty our reservoirs of interest. I don't care if I ever beat Battletoads.
(1) I always feel better when folks commiserate about R-Type! I just never will "master" it. I can beat it, but it's the EXCEPTION...I am always stressed...
(2) Arcade, SMS and TG-16 versions of the game have all laughed at me for half my life.
(3) I've beaten Ninja Gaiden (NES), but for some reason I just can't beat Battletoads. I think I gave up on Battletoads back in the early 90's....it just takes too long to slog through the stuff you know until you have a chance to gain experience with the "new" challenges. One of the later scooter races is maddening to me, I just said, "I will never see anything beyond this stage." ...And this is from someone who plays Athena and Super Pitfall (NES) for fun.
(4) I never played Fester's Quest (not for more than a few minutes)! It looks like a sweet SunSoft game. I know, I can't believe I haven't given it serious time.
(5) ORDYNE is a game I've been meaning to play for a billion years....and I never "make room" for it. I have to play the damn game. Lots of folks have said it is OK.
(6) I like the music in R-Type Complete CD, but it isn't "electrifying" like the original chiptunes...but, for me, it breathes new life into R-Type (warning, some folks hate the Red Book).
It took me like 21 years to beat R-Type. The level of relief I felt finally getting to the ending scene was amazing. I've always loved R-Type and I'm glad the weight of never completing it is finally off of my shoulders.
Exactly! I have a bunch of games that I hope to beat one day. 20+ years and counting...Top Gun (NES)...I got sooooooo close, so many times....but I can't remember if I ever beat it. I think I did. But I am not 100% certain. This angers me.