The reason why I bring it up (writing to the tilemap as pixels, rather than writing to tiles themselves), is that you can do 128x128 @241 color bitmap mode on the SGX. On the PCE, it's 64x128 @ 241 colors, or 128x64 @ 16colors (these two modes as setup different from each other). Coupled with VDMA, you can have an alt map in vram to write to and use VDMA to copy it over during vblank - giving a free double buffer bitmap function. With XOR patterned tiles (which is what the tilemap write references), you could double those colors or more (XOR dithering for 512 pixel mode looks decently convincing to a solid color). The best thing, is that you're only writing to the tilemap (or tilemap buffer in vram) with a fast single or double byte write for 1 or 2 pixels (depends on the setup you use). It's pretty fast.