Author Topic: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity  (Read 9001 times)


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #315 on: April 11, 2015, 05:25:15 AM »
Meanwhile, Pat publishes even shorter sub-clips of each part on his channel to fish for views.

It's funny that you mention that.  The other day one of my friends was being really pushy with me, saying that I need to chop up the episodes of my show to make shorter "breakout" videos for people just looking for one specific game (in addition to keeping the long-form videos the way that they are), because that would get me "more views".  Then, to back up his position, he did a search on YouTube for one of the games featured in my last episode, and showed me the results.  "Look how many videos there are for this game, man!"  Yeah, exactly.  No need for another one.  But somehow he doesn't see it that way.  I guess the number of videos that pop up when you search for "ESPN eXtreme Games" must mean that there is a lot of demand for them.  I tried to make him understand that I was trying to establish a cohesive "voice" or "theme" for my channel, and that I didn't even really want to do product reviews anymore because I am trying to cultivate an audience that is sold on my core format, but he just doesn't get it. 


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #316 on: April 11, 2015, 05:57:07 AM »
Meanwhile, Pat publishes even shorter sub-clips of each part on his channel to fish for views.

It's funny that you mention that.  The other day one of my friends was being really pushy with me, saying that I need to chop up the episodes of my show to make shorter "breakout" videos for people just looking for one specific game (in addition to keeping the long-form videos the way that they are), because that would get me "more views".  Then, to back up his position, he did a search on YouTube for one of the games featured in my last episode, and showed me the results.  "Look how many videos there are for this game, man!"  Yeah, exactly.  No need for another one.  But somehow he doesn't see it that way.  I guess the number of videos that pop up when you search for "ESPN eXtreme Games" must mean that there is a lot of demand for them.  I tried to make him understand that I was trying to establish a cohesive "voice" or "theme" for my channel, and that I didn't even really want to do product reviews anymore because I am trying to cultivate an audience that is sold on my core format, but he just doesn't get it.

If YouTube's subscription service becomes a reality, then I think we will see a shift in the content that people like Retroware and Pat create.  The new system allows creators to put their content behind a paywall, thus eliminating the need for ad revenue and mulitple small videos. 

It will force content creators to make better content (i.e. longer videos with more content) if they wish to charge.  I'd hate to see Game Sack put their content behind a pay wall, but given the quality of the content and the small viewer base, it is likely a foregone conclusion.


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #317 on: April 11, 2015, 06:10:40 AM »

Meanwhile, Pat publishes even shorter sub-clips of each part on his channel to fish for views.

It's funny that you mention that.  The other day one of my friends was being really pushy with me, saying that I need to chop up the episodes of my show to make shorter "breakout" videos for people just looking for one specific game (in addition to keeping the long-form videos the way that they are), because that would get me "more views".  Then, to back up his position, he did a search on YouTube for one of the games featured in my last episode, and showed me the results.  "Look how many videos there are for this game, man!"  Yeah, exactly.  No need for another one.  But somehow he doesn't see it that way.  I guess the number of videos that pop up when you search for "ESPN eXtreme Games" must mean that there is a lot of demand for them.  I tried to make him understand that I was trying to establish a cohesive "voice" or "theme" for my channel, and that I didn't even really want to do product reviews anymore because I am trying to cultivate an audience that is sold on my core format, but he just doesn't get it.

Yup. Do what you do, don't worry. This is for fun. :)
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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #318 on: April 11, 2015, 07:16:04 AM »
Meanwhile, Pat publishes even shorter sub-clips of each part on his channel to fish for views.

It's funny that you mention that.  The other day one of my friends was being really pushy with me, saying that I need to chop up the episodes of my show to make shorter "breakout" videos for people just looking for one specific game (in addition to keeping the long-form videos the way that they are), because that would get me "more views".  Then, to back up his position, he did a search on YouTube for one of the games featured in my last episode, and showed me the results.  "Look how many videos there are for this game, man!"  Yeah, exactly.  No need for another one.  But somehow he doesn't see it that way.  I guess the number of videos that pop up when you search for "ESPN eXtreme Games" must mean that there is a lot of demand for them.  I tried to make him understand that I was trying to establish a cohesive "voice" or "theme" for my channel, and that I didn't even really want to do product reviews anymore because I am trying to cultivate an audience that is sold on my core format, but he just doesn't get it.

Yeah it is kind of why's Pat the NES punk does. He makes long formate videos post them then chose the same videos into segments or topics. Post them. Then video records his pod cast like Howard stern stream an audio version on top of a chopped up video version as well.

So it LOOKS like a ton of continent but it is rehashed rehashed recyed stuff to build views. Because in the end it is a business for him not a side project for fun.


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #319 on: April 11, 2015, 07:28:48 AM »

Meanwhile, Pat publishes even shorter sub-clips of each part on his channel to fish for views.

It's funny that you mention that.  The other day one of my friends was being really pushy with me, saying that I need to chop up the episodes of my show to make shorter "breakout" videos for people just looking for one specific game (in addition to keeping the long-form videos the way that they are), because that would get me "more views".  Then, to back up his position, he did a search on YouTube for one of the games featured in my last episode, and showed me the results.  "Look how many videos there are for this game, man!"  Yeah, exactly.  No need for another one.  But somehow he doesn't see it that way.  I guess the number of videos that pop up when you search for "ESPN eXtreme Games" must mean that there is a lot of demand for them.  I tried to make him understand that I was trying to establish a cohesive "voice" or "theme" for my channel, and that I didn't even really want to do product reviews anymore because I am trying to cultivate an audience that is sold on my core format, but he just doesn't get it.

Yup. Do what you do, don't worry. This is for fun. :)

Oh, totally.  I just think it's funny because this guy always has strong opinions about stuff like that even though he has no actual experience.  *HE* prefers short videos because he has a short attention span, so obviously my channel would be better off doing "quick hits" instead of the longer-form content that I have been moving towards.  It's understandable, though because his opinion is based on his personal preferences.  Frankly, I make the kind of videos that I personally like to watch, and I conduct my channel in the manner that I like to see channels that I subscribe to conduct themselves.

I had a lot more typed out, but at this point I'm just ranting.


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #320 on: April 11, 2015, 08:26:38 AM »
^ yes, I hear you. :)
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Joe Redifer

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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #321 on: April 11, 2015, 08:28:26 AM »
I agree, keep doing what you do. Look at the channel Classic Game Room. They often release many videos a day. They will get lost in your users subscription feeds. So a video you may be interested may never appear on the screen while other CGR videos do. Look at the view count for each video, it's pretty low compared to how many subs they have. Also other people's videos will get lost in that same feed. For example if you're subscribed to Classic Game Room and a Game Sack video comes out, good luck seeing it because it will be buried in CGR videos (most of them which you won't watch).

Sometimes I get the occasional comment of "Your videos are too long!". To that I usually reply "Youtube will remember where you left off when you come back" or if I'm in a particular mood I will ask "How are you able to watch TV shows and movies?"


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #322 on: April 11, 2015, 08:56:02 AM »
Sometimes I get the occasional comment of "Your videos are too long!". To that I usually reply "Youtube will remember where you left off when you come back" or if I'm in a particular mood I will ask "How are you able to watch TV shows and movies?"

My attitude towards that is that those people simply aren't your core audience.  Guys like me look forward to a new episode of Game Sack because we get to settle in and just watch a sweet video for 25-30 minutes.  I mean shit, it's not like Game Sack episodes are 30 minutes about the same game.  Its a few minutes of intro, and then like 2 minutes dedicated to each game.  If you aren't interested in the game that's being discussed, a new one is coming right up.  There's even an intermission in the middle to help break it up!  I just don't get some people, I guess. 

Going back to my friend, about my Streets of Rage episode he said "that video would have been perfect if it had ended at 5 minutes." But the thing is, that video actually has some of the best viewer retention numbers of anything I've made.  So I'm just gonna go ahead with what I'm doing.

And I agree about CGR.  I really like Mark, and I've been watching him since he came back in 2007 or 2008, but I feel like he could be producing better shows and uploading less frequently and be doing at least as well as he is now.  I too have noticed his view numbers and they're surprisingly low, all things considered.  I really think that the trend on YouTube is moving more towards the longer-form, in-depth videos, based on the recent success of both your show and The Videogame Historian, both of which are up over 100,000 subs now.  I think that YouTube has just been saturated with quick-hit, single-game videos and the only ones that are still really successful are the ones that are a lot more about the personality of the host than they are about the content being discussed.

Joe Redifer

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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #323 on: April 11, 2015, 12:58:46 PM »
Oh, about the Video Game Years question. I actually answered that but quickly deleted the post because I felt that it might be too much for public knowledge. Bottom line: Pat's dumb. But I do think the show works better at 20+ minutes. I wanted to have more installments per year in order to cover more games but they said no. But then they started having more installments anyway, just shorter segments. I've edited all the way up to the end of 1989 and I'm not certain if I will return as an editor and/or on-camera blabbermouth


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #324 on: April 11, 2015, 01:23:32 PM »
Oh, about the Video Game Years question. I actually answered that but quickly deleted the post because I felt that it might be too much for public knowledge. Bottom line: Pat's dumb. But I do think the show works better at 20+ minutes. I wanted to have more installments per year in order to cover more games but they said no. But then they started having more installments anyway, just shorter segments. I've edited all the way up to the end of 1989 and I'm not certain if I will return as an editor and/or on-camera blabbermouth

It is a shame some aren't open to others ideas and opinions especially when you have shown that you know a little about retro games/gaming. I hope you and Dave stay on at least for informative purposes as I think you both help add to the shows credibility.

Do you know when retroware intends for the video game years project to end? I remember at one time they had a funding project which would take them to XXXX year but I can't remember where that ended up..


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #325 on: April 11, 2015, 01:44:14 PM »
There was some juicy Pat dish up there.


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #326 on: April 11, 2015, 01:45:59 PM »
There was some juicy Pat dish up there.

Yea I know, I read it too. None of it was much of a surprise though :)


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #327 on: April 11, 2015, 02:14:06 PM »
Oh, about the Video Game Years question. I actually answered that but quickly deleted the post because I felt that it might be too much for public knowledge. Bottom line: Pat's dumb. But I do think the show works better at 20+ minutes. I wanted to have more installments per year in order to cover more games but they said no. But then they started having more installments anyway, just shorter segments. I've edited all the way up to the end of 1989 and I'm not certain if I will return as an editor and/or on-camera blabbermouth

Thanks for fielding that.  I couldn't see any of the viewers being bothered by longer episodes with more content.  I suppose that no matter what RW does they're only going to attract a certain number of hits, so why spend more time/money. 


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #328 on: April 11, 2015, 03:43:36 PM »
Oh, about the Video Game Years question. I actually answered that but quickly deleted the post because I felt that it might be too much for public knowledge. Bottom line: Pat's dumb. But I do think the show works better at 20+ minutes. I wanted to have more installments per year in order to cover more games but they said no. But then they started having more installments anyway, just shorter segments. I've edited all the way up to the end of 1989 and I'm not certain if I will return as an editor and/or on-camera blabbermouth

I honestly like that you and Dave are on those segments.

Some of the people on it. Eh.

For the longest time when Eian was on it I kept thinking "who is this guy with the pink horse shirt" and "why is he with Pat?"  Gay lover? Dorky kid brother?  Then I started seeing those mini segments that Oat would do with him and realized he is some retro game store worker (possibly manager?) and get a little tired of hearing him and Lat promo Lunar Games. What do they get a dollar every time they say it?  But they started to tone that down.

local Dan I thought was another odd choice as I know him as a toy reviewer (which I like) but apart from the "pixels to plastic" he didn't seem to tie into the rest of the group. Seems more like a "who you know" situation.

Then there is that one guy from RW who sounds like he is in the middle of puberty for the past two years (seems like a generally nice guy but alway a peripheral person hovering in OTHER people's videos at cons and such). He comes off a little boring but I think that is due to his voice. Just doesn't sound pleasing to hear in a documentary sort of way.

I like Roo but man. He hasn't done a new 16-bit gems videos in like two years. All he seems to do is those pod cast videos that. I honestly can't get into. Now throwing up unedited hour long life feed videos just doesn't make for interesting or engaging videos for me.

The Game Chasers. Have always like them from the start good idea for a retro game show. But man they come off so ehhhhh low class?  Lack of class?  It has started to urk me. Can't we edit out all their burps and use of local slang that just makes you come off as middle age guys with graying hair and rough personalitys they never grew up past the high school years?  Plus wow. How long did it take them to correct that Intel sound bit from "Texas is a big country" to "Texas is a big state"?  Like the first year and a half it seemed. But apart from those arm chair grips from a guy who doesn't create anything but poorly written Internet forum post that is my two cents on most of the RW crew who appear on these shows.

I am just waiting for the other croonies to start bringing in these like PBGamer, Metal Jesus, Irate Gamer, Mike (hell they started getting James might as well get Mike then we can have someone spout dick and ass jokes every two seconds), 8-bit Eric, alpha omega, taser fist and etc.


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Re: Metal Jesus ruins my faith in humanity
« Reply #329 on: April 11, 2015, 04:04:24 PM »
There is a reason I don't watch much video game stuff...I am far too finicky about video games.

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