Hey Spooky, just so you know Black Tiger is also a big Genesis fan. So, he is not being biased at all. It's all opinion anyways. I do agree with a lot of your comments regarding the Genesis version, especially with the controls. I like a lot of the backgrounds more on the Genesis version as well. With that said I still enjoy the PC-Engine version more. It feels like a more complete game to me with all the levels.
Hey, if some people prefer the PC Engine version due to the extra content or the increased difficulty, I can totally appreciate that. I only took issue with BT downplaying the clear cut graphical superiority of the Genesis port by arguing that "more assets = better assets", that was all. At the end of the day, both are fine ways to play Valis III, and everyone should experience both. That we can all agree on.
It makes me want to play the two side-by-side 
You should, dude! I've been playing both of them back-to-back lately, to see if I can clear both of them in one sitting. Have yet to pull it off , though.

On a side note, I've been revisiting the various computer versions of Valis II over the past couple days. Man, what wasted potential. I may have been a bit too harsh by labeling them "unplayable", but those controls are absolutely insufferable, especially in the X68000 port.
Shame too, as there's some great gameplay ideas there, and I must concur with Supes that the style and atmosphere of the PC Valis II's are unrivaled. If they'd combined the best parts of each port, like say... the graphical style of the MSX2, the soundtrack and comparative smoothness of the PC-98, and the cutscenes & balanced difficulty of the X68K, I'd put it above those snoozefests Valis IV and Valis II PCE
easily. As it is, it's just a missed opportunity...