Clearcut unbiased logic that only blind fanboys would disagree with:
Parallax: 1<2
Sprites palettes for 3 unique characters: 1>3
Stages 6>12
Speed 65%>100%
Cinemas 8>16
Redbook = uninspired chip tunes
What's that? Couldn't quite hear you over all the BLAST PROCESSING
I take it that Blast Processing is a term you vaguely remember from the article on reddit where you first learned of the Sega Genesis a year or two ago? It's not the ability to scroll two tile layers independently, the Genesis had that ability in hardware from day one. It would have been a terrible marketing idea to brag about the Genesis being able to scroll one less layer than SNES.
Blast Processing is a technique developed for Sonic 2 which literally scrolls 2D games as fast as the Genesis is able to. Sega did not share this technique with third parties and Valis III is actually an early game which predates Blast Processing by a year and a half.
It's a good thing that Valis III
doesn't use Blast Processing, because as it is, the game runs noticeably slower than an early unpolished third party PC Engine game.