Some final thoughts on the computer versions of Valis II.
Couldn't bring myself to finish it, only got halfway. Runs noticeably slower than the others, and the scrolling is even more janky than the PC-98. The weakest of the lot by far.
Controls the best out of the three, but unfortunately it's all for naught. The PC-98 was ill-equipped to handle demanding action games such as this, so while the earlier levels are easier than the X68K due to the improved controls, the extreme choppiness makes the later levels unbearable. Good luck dodging anything on those last couple stages; your best bet is to keep using the freeze spell before enemies have a chance to come on-screen.
That said, it does have the best soundtrack of any Valis game, bar none. So it's not completely without its merits.
I take back what I said about Valis I PCE being the closest this series ever came to achieving greatness. Valis II X68000 is the closest it ever came.
They royally goofed the floof with the jump physics and handling, so most people won't even bother getting past Stage 2. If you are able to suffer through that initial hurdle, you'll find a most enjoyable game waiting for you on the other side. There's no real platforming challenges after Stage 1, and by Stage 3 your HP meter will be adequately leveled up, so the sub-par controls are of little consequence. You can almost see the difficulty curve as being inverted from the PC-98; smooth sailing from the second half onward.
The later sections benefit greatly from the X68000's superior scrolling and added autofire. Goes without saying that it's the nicest looking of any version of Valis II, (perhaps of any Valis game period?) though the music is a slight step down from the PC-98. The changes they made to enemy placement and level design are all for the better. Basically, Valis II X68K gets everything right... except for the gameplay. Still, I'll have to concur that it's a standout game in the series, if not mainly for its ambitious nature.