The entire game smacks of an unfinished project. A little more polish could have gone a long way.
LOL I think the same thing can be said for almost every Turbo title.
Huh? Sorry for being dense, but I don't get that, I think. What's wrong with the CD library? Or does it refer to the US versions, hence the Turbo? Were any of those modified, except for the translation and the cover artwork?
Don't get me wrong I enjoy most TG games, but there are quite a few of them that really need to have "more polish" as it was put. For example: Addams Family, Andre Panza, Battle Royale, Bravoman, Champions Forever, China Warrior, Darkwing Duck, Davis Cup, Deep Blue, Falcon, Ghost Manor, Impossamole, Jack Nicklaus, JJ and Jeff, Order of the Griffon, Power Golf, Shape Shifter, Shockman, Super Volleyball, Takin' it to the Hoop, and Timeball all need quite a bit of polish. Out of all the games that I own these ones I feel have some major issues. Is that to say they are bad games? No (not all of them anyway).
Then there are games that I really enjoy playing such as Hit the Ice, Keith Courage, Legendary Axe, Space Harrier, World Class Tennis, World Court Tennis... these game I have very fond memories playing as a child and games that I still enjoy playing today that could use more polish because they are lacking in many areas... does this make them any less fun? No, could they be much better... undoubtedly yes.
And on topic: I really, really like "Strider" on Genesis, so now I'm wondering if I should pursue the PCE version as well, flicker or no flicker. Is it worth it? Or basically just the same game, just a bit worse?
I love Strider on the Genesis, and I don't think the PCE version would disappoint you. Again as was already mentioned it could use some more polish, but what game couldn't. There is no perfect game out there, but there are so many things that makes this version of Strider stand out that I think as a fan of the original you would enjoy.