Author Topic: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project  (Read 2545 times)


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This project began around Dec 15, 2001 after I gave up on Legend of Xanadu. In the 2-3 weeks prior, I gained a great deal of experience with hacking LoX, began development of Translation Station (a big part of the success of all my projects!), but soon realized 2 major difficulties that I wouldn't be able to overcome (You'd have to become as good as Bonknuts or EsperKnight to do so). So, I had to search for a more easier title to translate and Xak III was the lucky Action-RPG find. Since 2004, it stands at 100% complete for script/text work, but 0% on dubbing - it would need a translator to listen and transcribe all the voice acting and go from there, actor recruitment and so forth. Although, I do have the first cut-scene transcribed, it was in the game ROM oddly enough.

The developers of Xak III, thankfully, were lazy in conserving space within the game ROM & didn't use a text codec (compression) scheme - that's what you hope for primarily... Clear S-JIS DBCS (Double-Byte Character Encoding) per the standard of PCE CDs is used without codec tricks!! The 2nd quality that also made this game a prime candidate for easy hacking was that 1-byte ASCII/ANSI was supported for English characters. A working 8x16 font is already there, so by replacing 2-byte Japanese characters with 1-byte English characters, we double the available string length originally allocated!!! Of course that's not enough, but string pointers come into play and it worked out to where I never really trimmed translations because of the size of text blocks (with rare exceptions)! The quality of Paul England's translated results is another matter, however.

While the project is old, mostly complete minus dubbing, I made the thread here realizing I never had one for marketing and because I'm doing minor things I might release in the future. Am also open to someone revamping the script work if they take an interest, it could use lots more proofing and sprucing up. So yeah, the thread might help for new people who have no idea about the English patch and see this for the first time, plus, might as well have a spot to collect occasional feedback on an active forum.



The basic before/after magic of translation projects:


* Xak III English Patch v1.00 (XakIII(US) - The latest release as of 2004. Text/Script = 100%, Dub = 0%.

* and - Entire Xak III script in HTML view for proof-reading, rewrites, etc.

* The Xak Hack - A Perl script to hack a saved state file to make your gold = 65,536 & EXP = 8,388,607!!! It works with saved state files from both YAME & MagicEngine. For ME, make sure compress_state_file=n in the PCE.INI otherwise it won't work. To use it, simply copy it & the saved state file to a separate directory, double click the Perl file, then copy the saved state file back to it's original location & reload it while playing the game. That's all there's to it - when gold runs low, do it again!!! Make sure you run it on a saved state file after you've started the game & actually have control of the main character in the beginning city. Also, you'll need to install the ActivePerl runtimes by

Links - My Project Pages - The Xak Series Tribute by SkyeWelse - Review
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 04:39:56 AM by NightWolve »


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 09:27:58 PM »
PlaceHolder - History Log


Finally made a home thread for this old project on PCEFX!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2015, 03:57:13 PM by NightWolve »


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 09:28:19 PM »
PlaceHolder - Tests/Tweaks

10 fonts to choose from. Pick the best, lemme know, find more 8x16 fonts if you can!


I've been playing with using a different font for the game and this is related to the Emerald Dragon project. Would be cool, if I can do it sometime, to make an font selector app for all my patched games of Xak III, Ys IV and eventually ED that lets you pick your own preferred font when pointed to the ISO/WAV/CUE image file set. So am looking to see what others think so far about some of these samples. The link has all of them so far.
SNES Lufia 8x16
SNES Lagoon 8x16
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 10:41:30 PM by NightWolve »


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 11:11:05 PM »
I like the snazzy look of the Lagoon font.  The script-like look of many characters, particularly for 'f', seems to have a good fit with respect to the mood of most RPGs.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 02:09:42 AM »
Heh, neat stuff.  I'd love to see improvements to the translation, be it a full dub job, cleaned up translations, or just a different font, but a translated Xak I & II would be even better.

Yes, I'm a greedy bitch.  :mrgreen:

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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2015, 05:58:44 AM »


It was inspiring to see this resurrected and read all of your comments (most of which seem promising).

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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2015, 06:08:41 AM »
I like the snazzy look of the Lagoon font.  The script-like look of many characters, particularly for 'f', seems to have a good fit with respect to the mood of most RPGs.



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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2015, 08:14:42 AM »
I really like the Lufia font, but the Lagoon one is good too.

It would be amazing if this received a dub.
I'm not sorry about this, as I'm not sorry about ANY attack by the goverrats.


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2015, 05:39:39 AM »
My vote: Lufia font.
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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2015, 07:02:13 AM »
It would be amazing if this received a dub.

Very much agreed on the dubbing.

With all the projects going on right now it's a very good time to be a PC Engine fan.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2015, 11:31:15 AM »
Hmm, I'm torn on the font, but I think I lean more towards Lufia.


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2015, 12:33:31 AM »
I like the Lufia font also, although it might be just out of nostalgia as I enjoyed that game as a kid.


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2015, 03:11:24 AM »
I think the lufia font looks alot smoother and fits nicer.


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2015, 03:42:16 AM »

Alright guys, if you refresh the link, you'll now find 11 fonts (more to come) to choose from, including clean 8x16 rips from Neutopia and Ys Book I & II. So far, like most, I'm pretty set with the Lufia font as the default (ideally, with an app, you could pick the others) unless I or someone else can find something better. I thought Lagoon would be great when I inserted it, but the padding of the messagebox (or lack of padding) ruins it! That's the problem! Lufia font is a bit smaller, that's why it looks better.

It was inspiring to see this resurrected and read all of your comments (most of which seem promising).

Speak of the devil, esteban esteban!!! Just the man I was looking for.

Say, what if you used those whacky writing skills of yours to spruce up a script or two, Ys IV, Xak III, etc. ? Lemme elaborate - here are examples of my many disappointments with the script:
Ratok:Hey Bobby, what're you
doing here given your<\n>
distaste of weaponry?<\p>
Bobby:Weapons can only be<\n>
used to kill people once one
can use them.<\p> Yes, only if<\n>
one can use them.<\0>
Ratok:I see.<\p>
Bobby:I've grown up a bit,<\n>
even though it's nothing<\n>
compared to you.<\0>

So Bobby is sitting in a weapons shop, is known to be against weapons, and Ratok asks the question in surprise. The translation failed to be *localized* to what we know it should be. Think pacifist anti-gun/violence people. He wants to say something to the effect of guns don't kill people, people kill people, hence I changed my mind and don't mind sitting here with the owner of the weapons shop, etc. How should this be fixed in the general sense to get it properly localized to what he really means instead of the literal translation which doesn't quite cut it ? See the problem?

Here's the next one:
Ratok: ...Well, I gotta get going...<\0>
Mayor:I see...<\p> So, what<\n>
happened this time? Some<\n>
huge crap appeared?<\0>

OK, once again, Paul England did a failed localization by doing a literal translation. The mayor was pestering Ratok about getting married, yet Ratok is in a hurry having received a message that Farland Castle is under attack - this by a messenger (Tipero) that just died in his home with his mother... OK, naturally there's urgency in the air, he wants out of this conversation. The mayor senses this, and in a joking fashion is trying to convey "What's the rush ?", etc. You get the idea.

Thus, I localized it to "So, what happened this time? Some giant monster showed up?", but what would YOU do as far as picking a better expression for the joke he's trying to make to convey that he senses Ratok is in a hurry and wants to run off somewhere ?? THAT is the question!

Old Man:Hey, if it isn't<\n>
Grandma! You're still alive?<\p><brk>
Ratok:No, it's ME, Ratok!<\p><\n>
You've lost it completely lately...<\0>

So Ratok randomly runs into an old-timer in the town/city of Fearless and makes that kind of rude remark. Paul's literal translation once again. The set up is that the old-timer is blind as a bat and/or senile, thinks the person in front of him is his grandma and Ratok sarcastically facepalms/flames/owns/pwns him for it, you get the idea.

So yeah, Ratok's rude and curt voice just doesn't seem appropriate and so I tried to think of how he could convey that the old-timer is losing it a bit (his vision or mind), but somewhat more lighthearted so I changed it to a joke, this:
Old Man:Hey, if it isn't<\n>
Grandma! You're still alive?<\p><brk>
Ratok:No, it's ME, Ratok!<\p><\n>
You may not have lost all of
your marbles, but there sure
is a hole in the bag...<\0>

OK, so that may get some laughs, but I still think it may be too rude for that character and it's just unlikely he would be walking around his town/village disrespectfully speaking to his elders like that, so once again, WHAT WOULD YOU DO, ESTE ??

I always wanted to have a Working Designs feel to the scripts, but my role would be so tiring just post-editing, managing, programming, website work, etc. that I really had to rely on the translators. Paul England wasn't great as you can see, the criminal DeuceBag was better and I wouldn't have had results like this at least, but was himself a WD hater and so you weren't gonna get that kind of liberties-taking script out of him.

So, just a thought, este, now could be YOUR chance to make some history, get some of that great, whacky writing style of yours into these boring scripts and help bring them alive!!! WHAT SAYETH YOU, BROTHER ??? SHOW VICTOR IRELAND HOW IT'S DONE! HOW ABOUT IT ???

And all this is just a taste of the first town/city I looked over the past couple of days and was reminded why I found this to be the worst (and boring!) script/translation of all of my projects...
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 04:10:20 AM by NightWolve »


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Re: The Official Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence Translation Project
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2015, 04:13:38 AM »
Hmmm, I like that Semi font.


Do eeet este!  :mrgreen:
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