Time for yet another translation thread.
Esperknight told me recently that translator Tom (not to be confused with hacker Tom) seems to be MIA. Tom had wanted to do the translating for the PCE Tengai Makyo games, and you might remember him from the Ziria translation project announced...was it several years ago?
Actually, Tom has already finished two other Tengai games on other systems, and I think he basically wanted to be the Tengai Makyo guy. He actually requested me to let him do Tengai Makyo 2 even though I had already started it, and I gave it to him. He seemed to be pretty passionate about it, for one thing. For another, TM2's script is an utter goliath, so it was kind of a relief for me. I don't know where he went or if he will be back, but it's too bad he's gone.
Anyway, after not hearing from him for a long time, Esperknight sent me the script and toolchain he made for it, and lo and behold...the hacking side is mostly done. How much really remains, I can't say, but I was stunned to see that that there is a complete insertion system in place and text displaying in the game. Since this is a 2.0 game, I think it's all around much easier to work with.
The English translation, however, is only about 5% complete.
Now, I've got a lot going on at the moment, and I fear taking on too much and not getting anything done. But I think it would lift Esperknight's spirits to see the work he put into this pay off, and I was just saying that I would love to be in a position where the only thing in the way of a finished project is the J-E translation. So, I guess I ought to take a good look at the game itself. It's not so huge, assuming that the current dump has all of the text.
I can't promise anything yet, but if anyone else wants to help with this...for example, playing through the game to give us a savestate library...please let me know!