Thanks for the positive feedback.
I basically agree about the tone, and I don't think I would bust out a limerick unless one of the other poems is truly outlandish, like not even a haiku.
They all seem to be based on real haikus, though. Ever hear these ones? They are about three famous Japanese generals, and as a metaphor for their characters, the generals are talking to a cuckoo bird that won't sing:
織田信長 Nobunaga:
「鳴かぬなら、殺してしまえ ホトトギス」 "If you do not sing for me, I'll kill you."
豊臣秀吉 Hideyoshi:
「鳴かぬなら、鳴かせてみせよう ホトトギス」 "If you do not sing for me, I'll make you sing."
徳川家康 Ieyasu:
「鳴かぬなら、鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス」 "If you do not sing for me, I'll wait till you sing."
In the game, it's a joke like "If you do not sing for me, I will wait for the nightingale."
EDIT: Ugh, the next one has a reference to a famous enka song. I
might use an English song as a reference. Quick, what is the corniest, most well known love song in English that you know?