I don't know who you are or why so many people here hate you, but you just now wrote this thing that clearly outs you as a total prick, and since you did so openly you probably lack any awareness of what a dick you are.
"Why the hate? I'm only trying to massively increase the cost of your already increasingly expensive hobby! Why wouldn't you all want that?"
Yeah, that's the main reason he's catching the hate, he showed us his eBay "markup philosophy" right off the bat! It goes something like this: In the other sucker's hands, Dragon Slayer was worth $30 bucks, but, after a few short years of it being held by
his "magical" hands, well, it's now worth $450... You get the idea. Heh-heh. Add to that, he's coming off as too much of a forum leech, i.e., help me, teach me, give me, etc.!!!!