Well, the shrinkwrapped Bonk's Adventure game has the sticker on it that say that there is a coupon book inside. So I assumed it wasn't reshrinkwrapped, but I'll see. I am very picky. I would ask for a refund if otherwise, or else I'll give him negative feedback. But what I was trying to say in the other post is to NOT get the Turbo CD attachment that costs $110. I mean for that price it should be in better condition and with at least the TurboGrafx CD system 2.0 card and A/v cables. He even sells the carry case for it seperately. As if he took the package apart.
Another thing. He is selling a $299.99 complete Turbo DUo without the box and manual. For $400, which is unlisted, is a boxed with manual Turbo Duo system plus shipping. The thing is that I found a new shrinkwrapped Turbo Duo system with the six games, magazine, manual, and etc. for $500 with shipping. The games would have costed me more than $100 for used ones if I was to get the $400 Turbo Duo. He does seem to overprice his products. You should be weary, but I wanted to give it a try with a sealed Bonk's Adventure. The only thing that sucks is that the new Turbo Duo system comes with Bonk's Adventure and Revenge. I guess I'l have a sealed, if true, Bonk's Adventure Hucard game. Any way keep on looking. I actually found a brand new Turbografx 16 system:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=014&item=330005327718&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1If you want it for your collection. I don't want it because I am getting a Turbo DUo.