See, that's an all too common misconception, IMO. You only *think* the plot is amazing because you can't read it. If you could read it you'd probably find that the storyline and voice acting are as lame as every other video game out there. You can probably make some shit up as you go along that's better than the real thing.
Spot on. A woman in a skirt can look sexier than she does in pants because there are a lot of details that you actually
can't see. Your imagination fills in the blanks in with maximum optimism.
On that note, you know what else I think people have misconceptions about in Japanese games? Voice acting quality. Every non-Japanese person seems to think every single goddamn game is a voice performance masterpiece. Most couldn't name
one Japanese game that has bad voice acting. And of course they couldn't - they can't judge it at all. Do you think someone who has never had a conversation in English in his entire life could tell that US Dragon Slayer has bad voice acting?
For years I always wanted games from my favorite strategy series, Super Robot Wars, in English. I can read Japanese well enough to clear the game but I miss a lot of the story. Then, when translations started coming out, like for the two GBA OG games or the fan translation of J, I realized upon playing them that...I'd rather not be burdened reading hundreds of pages or pure crap.
Yep. I played Witch and the Hundred Knight in Japanese before it came out in English. Some people on English forums kept saying how amazing the story was. I on the other hand have never seen a game that needed its word count halved more in my life. Funny, people mostly stopped talking about the "amazing story" after it came out in English.
I don't think Americans are perfect or that all scripts should follow one pattern or anything like that, but one thing I have noticed is that Japanese people aren't hard enough on themselves about length, and there's a greater tendency for their stuff to have too many words.
I really like this scene from A River Runs Through It. Who was it who said "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one."? That was a great thing about old games - the size limits pretty much prevented this from happening.
I'm doing various translation projects for PCE games now, and I think they'll all be better for being in English in a sense. However, while I won't say which, there is at least one that I have to admit doesn't have a great story or writing.