Author Topic: That Tobias f--k went after Xak III and SO II as pressed CD-ROM releases!  (Read 39930 times)


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I'd like to know who the rat is on the forum here.

Basically, who's the biggest cunt on this forum?

I have my suspicions. I mean, obvious proxy seller is obvious.

At this point either way I am inclined to not trust anyone from Germany or Sweden unless I have known him long time. But I am sure we have a North American member or two here too that are die hard Tobias cultist. Tobias confirmed what I knew, he has snitches. That is enough for me.


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It really is impressive how %100 shameless the guy is. He just keep boosting the hype on his ratchety-ass bootlegs and does not give two f*cks for anything. He is absolutely unrepentant. It kinda reminds me of the GWB years when literally every single day you'd read the news and find out how some grotesque abuse of power had taken place while you were asleep but it was legit hard to stay mad at him for it because before you could even do some reading on the subject some other nasty thing would come to light. Sometimes the best way to have people forget about your past bad deeds is to just do so many more bad deeds that people can't even keep them straight.

I guess we needed a new Crazy Dion anyway, it gives people something to talk about.

GTFO and STFO of my thread, go watch some anime or somethin'! And if you wanna talk presidential power abuses, take a good look at who's in the WhiteHouse now...

a fake wooden stake
I bet it won't even kill real vampires.

Man, I couldn't believe he made a cross for the thing, that shit had me cracking up bad!!


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GTFO and STFO of my thread, go watch some anime or somethin'! And if you wanna talk presidential power abuses, take a good look at who's in the WhiteHouse now...

His post was about Tobias and this isn't Fighting Street.  You two don't need to f*ck up another perfectly good thread, do you?
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Hmmm, you consider my thread here a perfectly good one ?? I wouldn't quite say that myself to be honest. ;)


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Lets keep the political arguments to facebook nightwolve.   No need to ruin a perfectly good thread.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


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Yeah, that's my line, and tell it to SignOfZealotry who brought George W. Bush into my thread!

So a second guy referring to my thread as a "perfectly good one." I mean, just look at the title (and my OP)! Makes me chuckle. :P


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It became good on page 26.  :wink:


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Oh we live for this kind of drama man!
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


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Hmmm, you consider my thread here a perfectly good one ?? I wouldn't quite say that myself to be honest. ;)

How is exposing and documenting the shittiness of Tobias not a good thing, not to mention all the tasty lulz? 

Yeah, that's my line, and tell it to SignOfZealotry who brought George W. Bush into my thread!

He did, but it was as a comparison to Tobias and not out of the blue.
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Hmmm, you consider my thread here a perfectly good one ?? I wouldn't quite say that myself to be honest. ;)
How is exposing and documenting the shittiness of Tobias not a good thing, not to mention all the tasty lulz?

It still makes me chuckle to see the thread characterized as a "perfectly good one" given some of the excesses, if you will. ;) I wouldn't characterize it this way, my feeling would be more along the lines of say "necessary evil." I like to think I'm justified enough when I do take excesses, but it's subjective and people's opinions will vary on what's going too far or not.

He did, but it was as a comparison to Tobias and not out of the blue.

Yeah, he shoehorned it in. Wonder if he'll find a way to work in Fox News later.


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Had he made the exact same point but instead used Obama, would you still be pissed off and ready to bitch?  I'm also a republican and have little use for Obama, but that doesn't make me blind to all the shit Bush pulled.
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That Tobias f--k went after Xak III and SO II as pressed CD-ROM releases!
« Reply #461 on: July 29, 2015, 08:38:32 AM »
GTFO and STFO of my thread, go watch some anime or somethin'! And if you wanna talk presidential power abuses, take a good look at who's in the WhiteHouse now...

NightWolve, we will have to agree to disagree because we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum.


Let's talks bout something safer:

I still love the Typing of Ys... So awesome. :)

Hugs. :)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 08:43:37 AM by esteban »
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This forum is getting more like, we even have our own Dion Dakis. lol


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  • Fuck Elmer.
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I like the people on FB who are oblivious to the snarky tone of the posts.

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

I'm a max level Forum Warrior.  I'm immortal.
If you're not ready to defend your claims, don't post em.


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Had he made the exact same point but instead used Obama, would you still be pissed off and ready to bitch?  I'm also a republican and have little use for Obama, but that doesn't make me blind to all the shit Bush pulled.

Yeah, I would've, he's only gonna get troll responses from me now and in the future - I did exactly what I told him in the Anime thread (you know, where he point-blank called me a psychopath and went to ridiculous lengths to defend it) that if he posts in my threads or replies back to me in the future, he'll only get back uncivil responses. You mistakenly thought my post was about his politics - it wasn't (only caused he shoehorned Bush did I refer to the current president).

I made the mistake of defending him once to someone here, but I had no idea how irrational he could become over his precious unimpeachable masterpiece of an anime (Grave of the Fireflies) not being thought of as anything other than 10/10 or 4 stars out of 4. For this, because I only would give it a "C+" or 2 stars rating (my word was not good or bad, just "alright"), he brought "articles of impeachment" against me and branded me a psychopath... He could've apologized, just like Tobias could've, but pride always prevents people from admitting wrongdoing even when they're 100% in the wrong! So no, that's why I'm pissed at him and why he's just DarkKobold to me now.