Seriously. You guys are the coolest bunch of cats I've known for ten years (+/-) but have never met.
The screens, systems, and attendance were great! Thanks to everyone for making the turbo room what it was: a serious presence at the show. I was amazed! Teh hardCAW cru was in force! (minus Tatsujin), but his gamesake was on (in his honor?) all day Saturday... whether nullity did that intentionally or unintentionally, I will never know.
I was able to bring Legend of Xanadu (WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!) and debut the debug mode on a tiny scanline Funai CRT for most of Saturday. That was like a dream come true. PLAY XANADU.
Thanks for a most amazing and memorable weekend, and thanks to _josh and everyone for letting me crash in the turbo room and vigilantly guard the precious!
Can't wait for next year!!