It's knockoff pilgrim bullshit that highlights America's early embarrassments in a way where they try to make it seem interesting. You can go check out historical houses where all the goons lived, or check out where shots were fired during retarded wars.
It's dumb.
or you can go check out Salem and check out all the other dumb things we did.
If you want cool culture, you better leave the country. The coolest stuff we have is all the Native American stuff we made a mockery of.
American history is about the most embarrassing thing ever, lol.
and yeah, I know the people in Boston aren't really into that stupid crap (mostly because Boston is full of rude f*ckheads).
But, it's still there and you have to put up with it when you're getting around. Especially during touristy-seasons.
Same with NY. I'm not even from NY, and I was making fun of the tourists at Times Square. Who the hell stops to take a picture of Macys?
Basically, f*ck tourist traps.
Cleveland doesn't have any of that to deal with thankfully, because we basically just have a river that catches on fire, and a rock and roll museum. We don't get droves of idiots coming to look at goony buildings and re-enactment hillbilly crap.
and it's all crammed downtown so you don't notice since there's always crowds of retards.
What I'm getting at is, if you want to experience snow/other seasons besides "holy shit it's hot.", Cleveland isn't a bad idea. The job market around here is decent, the cost of living isn't mental, and like I said before, we have Mr. Hero. get a pretty good mix of everything up here.