Sorry ... I can't tell what you mean from that, which "it" (official Mednafen or my Mednafen) and which "last" (Mednafen or Flappy Bird")?
Oups sorry, i sent a version of my flappy bird clone to mednafen author ,the last build of mednafen ( works fine with it .
i tested a new version of flappy with some optimised code in graphic libraries, and it didn't works, i have a black screen, but it works fine on the old mednafen 0.8 and true hardware .
Does the latest official Mednafen fix the version of Flappy Bird that you sent to Ryphecha when you reported the problem?
Yes it works

I'm just trying to figure out if your current problem is in the current official Mednafen, or it it is something that only breaks with my msys2 build.
i thought too, but no, the two versions have the same issue, a black screen .
EDIT: Ok set and sbc was the problem, for sure this doesn't work on real hardware ;-)