Author Topic: D-pad not working properly with the game Zipang (mostly)  (Read 240 times)


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D-pad not working properly with the game Zipang (mostly)
« on: March 25, 2015, 10:26:18 AM »
It's a game in the same style as Solomon's Key, building and destroying blocks etc. You jump by pressing up but the thing is it happens unintentionally when i push the arrow to go left aswell. Not right. I press the button the same way when i want to go in that direction without any problems.

It's really f*cking annoying because i'm barely putting any pressure. I can't play this f*cking with this shit going simultanioniously so what should i do?


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Re: D-pad not working properly with the game Zipang (mostly)
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2015, 07:22:48 PM »
sounds like sticky rubber membrane, open it up and use isopropol alcohol to clean it, should work a charm ( I have opened every single used joypad to  reconditioned them, apart from dual shock 3 as it's complex)