So it's now the Colecovision name on an Atari Jaguar shell with a SNES inside.
Doesn't get anymore authentically "retro" than that.
Since half of the RVGS games were emulations of modest homebrew SNES games, why not just stick a SNES-on-a-chip inside there?
They can get pikointeractive onboard to publish their SNES titles in different shaped carts with the special code that keeps SNES games from being locked out.
That is pretty much what I am saying... Coleco would not be onboard unless they expected orders from Target, not Stone Age Gamer... Why else would they be at the toy fair?
As many have said, these losers are mentally ill and shooting for the stars. If they can anyone else to stock their limited edition carts, they take the money and run and just change their business plan yet again. They just desperately want to feel special and like the rockstars of the gaming world that they already believe themselves to be.
Coleco is literally a name owned by a company that licenses its usage. They don't care about the non-existent brand at all. If you have a modest amount of money, you put out Colecovision cereal and Colecovisipn tampons. Just pay for the license, print a bunch of stickers with your computer and stick them on stock you buy at the dollar store. But if you were a business genius like the RVGS crew, you'd number each of your limited edition tampons and then release a new numbered batch with slightly different holographic labels and variant chase tampons.