I guess I have a higher threshold for tolerating some of this stuff. Sometimes I actually find it pretty funny when someone is grossly misinformed about something. I just sort of shrug it off and remember that we're all just flawed human beings. I know I'm definitely not some walking encyclopedia of gaming knowledge.
I guess some will get annoyed with it because they assume it will spread misinformation, but I honestly don't really understand that particular worry. Generally speaking, I don't take most things said on any gaming show (sorry Joe, even Game Sack) as absolute gospel truth if I'm not familiar with the game at hand because, frankly, I expect people to make mistakes. Honestly, I think it would be disrespectful to the intelligence of the audience to assume they're all so naive as to take The Video Game Years as a straight documentary and think everyone involved is some kind of "certified gaming historian."
I like the show just because I like to hear people's unique opinions on anything gaming related, even if they weren't born at the height of a certain title's popularity. It's interesting to see how someone else's life experiences and the picture of the past that's been painted for them has affected the way they percieve things; even if the lens isn't quite aligned right; if you take my meaning.
I just take the show for what it is, and try to remember that the way everyone experienced these games was vastly different. I don't really expect a show like this to do a lot of research either, since it's done in the spirit of humor and nostalgia rather than really trying to be informative (which is exactly what "I love the 80's /90's / New Millenium" was like). Yeah, a lot of jokes fall flat, but the moments where I get even a slight chuckle are part of why I keep watching. It's entertaining enough, and the subject matter being about something I enjoy makes it that much more so.
I will say I don't really care for Pat, though. He has just always rubbed me the wrong way.
P.S. Also, wow! This is my first post on here in, like, three months. I've been a little preoccupied with things I guess.