UPDATE AUGUST 3: Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I drove all the way down the state of NJ to Wildwood Crest on Tuesday night (it's at the southern tip of NJ, I live in northern NJ). I'll be down here until Sunday. The beach here is really gorgeous and the water is clear and wonderfully cool and crisp. My daughter has grown so much in the 2 months I've been gone and keeps telling me that she wants the toys I brought from California.
UPDATE: I'm in Iowa. Or Nebraska. Who knows?
I'm leaving today for a cross-country trip (AGAIN!) from LA / Long Beach to northern New Jersey.
Instead of a minivan + entourage (including 4 cats), like last time, I'll be driving a U-haul truck and towing my car.
As long as my truck doesn't break down / AC stop working, I'll be happy.
I got a new truck with less than 20,000 miles, so I think I'm in good shape.
Only 2 cats will be accompanying me this time: Buddy and Tommy. They don't like our 4 other cats, so I don't think they're too excited about reuniting with them.
I, on the other hand, can't wait to see my daughter and wife.
I have to get back to work, but I thought it was fitting to cut-n-paste this from another forum. My apologies for the faint-hearted! And, Keranu, this one's for you!
Unfortunately, I look like a dumb-ass in the only photo I have of my most prized thing... a t-shirt
I was caught off-guard when my friend snapped this picture. It's been insanely hot these last few weeks in Southern California, and *even hotter* these past few days, precisely when I was packing up all my stuff and loading it onto a U-haul truck (I'm leaving tomorrow morning for NJ ).
Suffice it to say: it was too hot -- even for shorts! I worked the whole day sans shorts. I'm wearing the shirt because my friend was teasing me, saying he was going to donate it to the thrift store, so I told him that the only way I could keep the shirt safe from his clutches was to wear it.
Clearly, there's no way you can be taken seriously when you look like I do in the photo above.