I believe that at one point, someone was illegitimately selling Ys IV CD-Rs that were a very far cry from what Tobias has been making. There is probably no shortage of enterprising folks who would be perfectly happy to burn a disc, print a manual, and sell it for a modest profit.
I love this community, and I would be happy for anyone who would like a pretty disc and manual to have one. However, it seems a very slippery slope. If we make and sell a CD, then who are we to say that someone else shouldn't? I don't think that talking about profit margins would convince bootleggers that we aren't hypocrites.
Call me crazy, but I think we should contact Tobias and tell him preemptively that we don't want him to make a bootleg of Zeroigar. Naturally, that won't necessarily mean he won't do it, but it does mean that he would tarnish his reputation further if he went through with it. If we wrote an open letter and made a bunch of noise, he would probably feel obliged to reply, too.
It's like tobacco use ... attacking the companies and making smoking more difficult by raising the prices both did very little. Smoking only really started to drop off when the customers started turning away from it because it wasn't "cool" anymore, or for "health" reasons.
In a similar fashion ... IMHO, the only way to really discourage bootlegging is to make it really, really easy for people to put together a translated Zeroigar package that looks as professional as Tobias would do. That devalues his product.
I think that no matter what we provide, most people either aren't going to be able to put together a nice-looking home-made game, or they aren't going to want to try. That is exactly where a bootlegger could say "Hey there! Scared to try this on your own? Check out what I made! Yours for ($$$)."
Making bootlegging uncool is definitely the key, but I think the most effective way to do this would be to adopt an unwavering and vocal stance against it. Consider that Gideon Zhi of Aeon Genesis, by far the most prolific fan-translator programmer to ever do it, has barely said a thing even though he's against repros. I've looked for statements from him, and all I can find is
this one forum post. I haven't dug too deeply, but searching a few other famous names hasn't turned up much either.
Until now, it seems that most fan translators have only put a little notice in the readme that says "Don't distribute this with the ROM and don't take credit for our work." I haven't seen anyone really come out swinging at bootlegers at the time of a release. We could do that.
There's plenty to think about and debate, that's for sure.
For a little perspective, you might enjoy looking through this thread and the other threads linked within it.