I just wanted to make sure I fully understood though, the consensus is that there will be no community bootleg being produced for this?
I am not, personally, opposed to the community getting together to get some CDs made for members here ... but SamIAm and I do not want there to ever be any for-profit sales of the translation without the permission/involvement of the game's original copyright holders.
Esteban is very generously working on a manual, case inserts, and templates for lightscribe/printable CD-Rs, and I believe that they'll be available on his site ...
http://www.tg-16.com/print_your_own_stuffThe idea is to make it possible for anyone to print out and put together a really nice looking "professional" package at home (or maybe with a trip to Kinkos).
So ... if you want a really nice package, and you don't feel able to put it together yourself, and it's OK with esteban, then perhaps someone here will make up some nice-looking kits with a case, a manual, and a pre-labeled CD-R that they'll give away or sell for a nominal fee.
AFAIK, the PC-FX has no problem with good quality CD-Rs (when its laser is in good condition).
http://www.mam-a-store.com/sithapforcoi.htmlhttp://www.mam-a-store.com/mtc74wpgos-100.htmlI hope that anyone trying to do a 'Tobias' and charging a fortune for such a kit here on this site would cause a huge community uproar ... but it's pretty obvious that eventually there will be some idiot that is going to be selling them on eBay.
That's one of the goals of trying to get as much publicity for the translation as possible ... so that the news that all the materials are freely available will get out, and make it a little harder for the eBay gouging.