I gotta see if I can find an NEC CRT, that would be fun. I have a crappy NEC monitor I use with my computer, and I keep in the ding to upgrade it for the much better NEC model one tier above mine.
Xm29? Hmmmmmmm....
In about 2 years of specifically looking for NEC's at thrifts (my local Goodwill's quit taking CRTs around December though I've seen a few show up on occasion) I've found5. Keep in mind I live within single digit miles of where NEC Home Electronics former HQ was so it's quite possible that these are a bit more common in suburban Chicago than other places.
One I couldn't fit in my car, but I bought it and had to give it back. It was an NEC DM monitor, it had internal speakers and some sort of weird RGB connector.
One was a huge woodgrain, appeared to be working but just too big to transport or store. This was a regular television with svideo, RF and composite jacks.
Another one I found I made a video of.
I've found two 25 or so inch ones that were DOA over the years at two different goodwills too.