There was nothing unethical about my auction.
That's just plain intellectually dishonest.
you don't own the roms
you cant sell them period even if you "include them at no cost!"
your damage control sucks you should have stuck to the story where you wanted to break even with everdrives by flipping them with your shells and stickers. That's a good excuse. You trying to come up with an answer for every attack reveals more your motive in the first place.
Yeah, as Ope points out, throwing the ROMs into the mix to up the value by convenience factored into the result of a bidder who may not know how easy they are to obtain, etc.
In some sense, you did not do much different from most resellers. Withhold/omit/don't bother to put all the facts on the table. It's like that new app about buying cars and its selling point that you should know what the car dealership paid for the car that you want when you walk in before you attempt to do business with a car salesman and barter if possible. All of that information is something they would prefer you don't know and to just "trust" them...
You don't stand for a more educated public because there's more money to be made by cashing in on ignorance/lacking information/etc... I prefer to see resellers of the mindset of say, "
My prices are the best, I will beat my competitors pricing, I provide all possible information when I sell or auction something, I want my customers to be happy doing business with me and not be left with a sour taste afterwards, etc."
When I sold my V1 TurboEverdrive on Facebook, I put everything on the table. I said it's like new, its only had a couple of hours of usage playing HuZero on my Express, and the reason I'm trying to unload it is because krik revealed he's developing V2 with faster load times and possible Arcade Card support, etc.! I provided a link to his shopping website to make sure that was seen because some people have paid more by buying it from the shopping websites of resellers like StoneAgeGamer (
though I think they matched krik's retail price now, nevermind the Deluxe version pricing which is an attempt to add further value), etc.
So, having put all the info on the table, the buyer knew everything, stated he was fine with the slower load times of this old version, and he wanted to save a few bucks from buying a totally new one, etc. I also gave him Bernie's ROM pack and guided him on set up, so it all went smooth. All that for ~$70 bucks minus $5 on shipping. Took a loss, but that's OK, so did Tucci giving buddy deals and later galam and BlackTiger donating to me meant I got V2 free anyway, thus no complaints on my part!
Anyway, the point is, that buyer can never come back to me and say, "
Hey NightWolve, you screwed me! You suck, I'm glad X.X.XSEED screwed you too!" No, I didn't, I put everything on the table, relevant link for existing retail from the manufacturer source, reason for reselling, that it was working fine 100%, only a few hours of usage, etc.
Your crazy bidder on the other hand, assuming he visits krik's website some day and finds the $79 retail for it, and later finds the various plastic shells that work with it for $11-$25, he's gonna feel like a jackass...
$359!!!!!!!! He and 2 others it appears were somehow desperate and bid it up to that crazy amount... I would love to question him to find out what it was, was it the ROMs, was it the shell that he thought was so valuable, what was it
But, we'll never know, and it's not your interest to inform him of his ignorance.
So yeah, nothing I read changes my rating for you. It is still...thumbs down!