USB Orders
elmer x3
International Orders
Pokun (Ukraine)
Let me know if all of this is correct and/or satisfactory enough. PM's will go out soon enough once I get confirmation from krikzz and confirmation from the people listed.
Hi jtucci31,
I'm an international order too! (Netherlands)
USB order incl. shipping to EU without discount would normally be $99, so anything cut from that would be very much welcome.
Now I'm wondering something though. If the card is shipped back to the EU from the US, there is a risk for it being taxed upon re-entrance. I do not know for Ukraine but the Netherlands is quite awful at dealing with person to person gift imports (even if marked under the €45 value threshold, set by European laws). They often apply the 20% VAT + €13 admin fee on top, regardless (I have one current 30€ gift taxed sent from Japan with SAL taxed like this, currently in appeal).
Do you think it would be too much asking krikzz to ship the EU orders separately to avoid customs nightmare? Maybe that's an acceptable request if it's just Pokun and I, given the total quantity ordered is quite large? What do you think?