Oh, I see, you added a cover and rolled the dice with an auction. Guess word hasn't gotten around to those big spenders though about its problems with US TG-16 consoles and what not. :/ You got them $63 each (+$5 S/H) then wholesale (whole order of 10 for about $680?), but yeah, that's what every other retailer is setting the markup to, $79.
EDIT: Wait... Well, upon further review, I do not like this reseller... Thumbs down... Because if I bought from him and I ever found out the link to retrogate's store, I would be pretty f--king pissed I paid $170 (and counting) cause I fought in an auction for something available at retail for consistent price, even with the $20+ plastic shell... He is effectively withholding information, no links to krik... That's what it is... Have to call it like it is... This method knowingly relies upon low-information big spenders and their ignorance...
I would contact the top bidder right now if I could... I don't like it when I get ripped off, don't like to see it happen to others either.
Except I didn't mark anything up. I started the auction at $79. So you don't like me because people bid up my auctions. OK... I actually make tons of information freely available online, whether it be how to make 3D shells or the SD card setups themselves so you can hardly blame me for a lack of info online:
[ul][li]How to make an $11 3D printed shell[/li][li]How to modify V1 shells for V2 - the only explanation online[/li][li]Complete SD card setups - Google SmokeMonster (These are copy and paste setups that have dozens of hours invested in finding verified sources for roms that are TED-compatible. This required testing every single game because TED is quite picky about headers) [/li][/ul]Also, I received a response from Krikzz about the v2.2 fiasco today and he has a fix ready but we'll have to return our v2.2s to him to have the FPGA re-flashed. If you need this update, send your TEDs back to him using this form: http://krikzz.com/return_form.txt
No, I stand by everything I said - it's accurate. You paid the wholesale rate, so you got 'em at $63 each plus shipping just like we did with the group buy. Your markup is no better than anybody else by starting it at $79 except that you added the plastic shell which is a $11-20 value (depends) - so it's more defensible of a markup, that's fine! And the full copy+paste ROM collection is freely available by us here and elsewhere, so that really shouldn't have added more value. However, it's your *intentional* omission of information that is the problem!
http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Turbo-EverDrive-V2-2-TurboGrafx-16-PC-Engine-Custom-Shell-8GB-SD/321809395098So now the auction is over and a big-spending fool dropped $359 (because of his competitor counterpart fool - 2 or more fools) all because of ignorance, lacking information
in your auction and so forth... You did prey on them, it was not in your interest to refer them to where these items can consistently be purchased at the same price and where to go for a plastic cover... So yeah, thumbs down on you... This is my polite "reseller roast" BTW, I don't want nullity accusing me of being a conductor on a hate train.
At another level, you don't want krik seeing the results of these big-spenders cause then he might just decide to say, "
Well, these PCE guys got fat wallets, I guess I can raise my prices some more and they'll pay out like they should..."
Anyway, congrats on a $359 big win!
EDIT: I guess it does beg the question, why did you waste Tucci's time by joining our group buy ?? That's another shipment he had to make, and another slight loss on S/H he took being generous to PCE/PCEFX members... He was already taking a loss shipping to us being a nice guy by $1-2 bucks each, and that was before the whole mix up, which added more shipping costs to him... In other words, he charged nothing for his time, but also donated some to shipping costs. I guess you got the reselling idea later, but still, you wasted his time and money on a buddy deal for yours...