I won this in a raffle conducted by
finerion. I no longer need it as someone gave me a copy with the manual, also we made out, but that's a different story. Or is it? Wouldn't you like to know? No? Okay then.
It's just the HuCARD and case, also the little arm peg thing was broke when I originally received it and I may or may not have just yanked it and tossed it.. like a salad... because I'm a fruit? Hmm..
Same rules as before from the original donor.
"Minimum post count 50. Shipping is free for US, Canada and Mexico,
everyone else is welcome to enter but I ask for help with shipping expenses*. Don't sell it. If you get tired of it please re-raffle it back to the PCEFX community."
*---Except that I offer free shipping to everyone, no matter where you are. :3
!I will pull a random winner thing person on Friday, June 5th!Make sure to clearly state whether or not you want in. Thanks.
1.) Galder
2.) cjameslv
3.) Warbucks
4.) BigusSchmuck
5.) fsa
6.) esadajr
7.) MNKyDeth
List Randomizer
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1.) Galder
7.) MNKyDeth
5.) fsa
4.) BigusSchmuck
2.) cjameslv
6.) esadajr
3.) Warbucks
Timestamp: 2015-06-06 07:11:48 UTC
The Winner is Galder!!!